Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Fun!

Wow! I got just a ton of presents! David got lots too! I really don't think I've been this 'nice' this year really!


From David I got: Dance Universe 2 Dance Stage, a new school bag, a pair of long johns, and an organizing board for the wall.

From my parents: some cash, socks, PJs, turkey gravy mix, beef jerkey, two nice hotmats

From david's cousins: Duka gift certificate, a nice candle.

From David's parents: tickets to the rehearsal for Melodifestival here in town, money towards a new bed, two sweaters, a hat, some slippers, a new pair of gloves, a mixer, some candle holders, a cake server, etc

From David's brother: a second hand control to the 360

David got a ton of things too: NHL 09, cash, some things I listed above were to both of us, new slippers, a tool set, candle holders, a new sweater, a scarf, a nice shirt, gift certificates to Dressmans and Bokia, a new frying pan, some dishtowls from Peter, some whiskey, etc

And I'm sure we've both got tons of other things that I've totally spaced on.

Once the after Christmas sales start, David and I have tons of things to do. Some things need to be returned since they're the wrong size, and David's game is going back to the store since it is half price to buy it elsewhere, we've got gift certificates to use, and all sorts of fun things! We're also hoping to buy a new bed soon, but that also means buying new sheets since ours won't fit. It'll be nice to upgrade past the 120cm bed that we've got now. To something that doesn't have pointy springs in it and is a bit wider.

Hope everyone else had a lovely Christmas and thanks again for all the presents!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bleh Bleh Bleh! (And double BLEH!)

I'm getting soooo annoyed at my homework attempts. I'm not sure that I'm actually making any progress in my understanding of programming OR math. I'm starting to feel so emo that I'm in the "I'm too stupid for this" phase.

But the only thing to do about it is to keep working. If I work at it long enough, I'm eventually bound to understand something.

I've also noticed a drastic increase in things such as 'house cleanliness', 'face book posts' and 'irc spam' in times when I really don't want to do my homework. I think I'll be heading in to school tomorrow morning and try to get some studying done there where there MIGHT be a few less distractions... I hope.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Still Studying...

I feel that I'm studying constantly... but without actually making ANY progress forwards. Tons of things in C++ that I don't understand. Math is going better but I'm having major problems with integrals. I've got less than a month until finals and tons of things involving Christmas and New Years that need to be done. Oh, and did I mention that I need to understand C++ well enough to make a game before school starts back up? Bleh.

Today I'm hoping to go Christmas present shopping, clean the house, fry up some chicken for tonight's dinner, and get the Christmas tree set up. A bunch of David's family is coming over for Fika tomorrow. I don't think we have enough places for all of them to sit. I need to go buy some fika treats for them to eat... and I think we need to borrow a bigger coffee pot... Otherwise only 4 people will get coffee every 10 minutes.

And as usual, here's a random link.
Confused 10 year Old
This time the link is from CNN. I guess sometimes that it is really difficult to decide what is actually best for a kid. I'm sure this isn't it, but I'm not sure I know what is the best for her. Just something to think about. I've got to throw something not mind numbingly technical into my posts. I can't neglect the side of me that has studied social studies the past 5 years. :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Another random BBC link.

Syrian underclothes

This is just another BBC article. But it made me think, mostly because it goes against what the media generally reports as coming out of the middle east in terms of women's rights and and such.

Anyways. Phosare meeting today went really well. Not much happened, but I got a chance to socialize and to see who else made phosare. There are a LOT of datorspels peoples. We're like half the phosare force. It'll be fun! I can't wait!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


For some random reason (probably related to boredom and not wanting to study) I've rediscovered facebook. I've been spending insanely too much time there. I guess it's a way to socialize even when I'm sitting in a lecture or bored at home. Same reason as I hang out on irc probably.

Anyways... I was too lazy to find a nice article to post today, so you get to go without. I'm done with classes for the rest of the year though! I am going to go back tomorrow for a phosare mote, and perhaps one last fika before Christmas break. Thinking to wear my student overalls tomorrow, just because I can!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Are parents responsible?

S Korea parents fined over rape

This is just a random BBC link, but it brings up an interesting point. Are parents responsible for their child's behavior? At what age does that stop? I've seen very good parents have like 5 angels and one kid that is the devil. And nothing would get that one badly behaved kid to act like the others. But I've also seen examples of very very bad parenting that still resulted in amazingly well adjusted children and adults. It is an interesting thought to kick around in my head though.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Well! I've made phosare. I'm not totally sure what I've just got myself into, but it should be fun anyways. I really should update my blog more often. I say that everytime I post something here. But this time it has been a REALLY long time since I last posted. School has, as usual, been crazy. I've been meeting up a lot with friends.

Yesterday we had 'bar emptying', which was fun. The evening started with someone too drunk to buy anything, and ended with the police showing up. But actually no real problems. I didn't work in the bar really. I know I'm totally useless there. I did collect a lot of glasses, did a lot of dishes, and spent lots of time standing in the door or refilling the fridge. Fun fun fun!

Now I've only got a few more days left before this thing that we call 'vacation' but just actually is a chance to catch up on school work.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The color Pink

I've discovered an interesting thing when hanging around large groups of guys... they hate pink. Which just makes me want to embrace it. It's actually rather odd when you think about it. A color is just a color, right? But why would guys hate pink so much?

Here's an interesting link:

The question really comes up... can one enjoy pink? I feel that I can fit into a room full of guys, through my own identity. It doesn't require trying to distance myself from all things girly and pink. I can be good at math and hopefully some day, good at programming... all without trying to avoid pink.

Being a girl doesn't mean that one has to love pink, being a guy doesn't mean that one has to hate pink. But pink, like it or not, has a lot of connections with being female. And damn it, I like being female!

I think I'll try to choose pink over other colors when given a choice in today's world. At least the guys in class won't try to take my stuff. ;) They probably think it'll poison them!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wedding party this evening!

Well! This evening is our Swedish wedding party. It's really low key. We're going to have a pot-luck, and maybe play a few games. Mostly it's just an excuse for a party. It'll be quite much fun I hope!

School has been a LOT of work. I feel that I barely even have time to think between everything. It is fun though. It gives me some purpose to wake up in the morning. That's always good.

Oh! And I also got my school overalls yesterday. I need to wash them, remove the sleeves, dye them black, wash them again, reattach the sleeves, take them to get a pattern put onto the back, then sew lots of things onto them. And I think I might sew them into a skirt, but I haven't totally decided yet. Always fun!

Anyways, back to work!

Sunday, September 07, 2008


School start has been just crazy. I've had almost no time to think, let alone blog.

Anyways, I've started a new program at school. It's an engineering degree in Computer Game Development. Somewhat surprisingly, I'm the only girl in the program... in the last 5 years.

We're studying Calculus, Python, and I'm doing physics too. It's a tough starting course load.

The two weeks before the start of school we had 'nollening' which is like two weeks of getting to know the other first years. That was crazy because we had preparatory math at the same time.

It's fun to be starting something new, and I've always wanted to learn to program. We'll see how this goes. I'd rather have a job, but since jobs seem to be few and far between right now, I might as well accomplish something while looking.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I've now got the pictures online from the wedding. Our pictures anyways. Others will go online at later dates.

This weekend we're going on a little road trip. I can't wait!

Besides this? Not much happening. I think I've got permission to start at the university program I want this fall, but I'd still rather have a job. Oh well. I guess we take what we get.

The weather is looking nicer too. Perhaps we can bbq tonight for dinner! Yum yum!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Guitar Hero

Well, the house is pretty clean now. So there isn't much in the way of wifely duties to do. And I made a nice big stew this weekend so we'll have food for another day or two.

So what do I do with myself?

I play Guitar Hero! It is this video game with a controller shaped like a guitar that David and I got for our wedding. Fun fun!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Bedroom Dream

I've got an awful lot of dreams going on at the moment... there's the dream for a new kitchen, getting my drivers license, and then the newest (?) one... the new bedroom. This is prompted by me getting up this morning to go to the bathroom, only to return and find someone had taken up the rest of the bed. Now I know I could have pushed him over and taken back my fair share... but he's been so tired that I just moved myself out to the couch.

I couldn't really fall back asleep so instead I played around with Ikea's website and my little scale models of the apartment. I've decided for 2000kr I could get new bedroom furniture. This doesn't include the all important bed though, which seems to cost a minimum of 4000kr. Although I like the one in the Jysk advertisement for 7000kr that looks a lot like an American bed. I'd happily take a nice bed frame and a mattress though too. Ikea has some nice ones, but expensive if you don't want white. The picture above has the cost written on the wardrobe, but that's because I was too lazy to rename that bit of furniture, I already own that.

Not that I should be dreaming about stuff like this since we don't really have much money right now, and the kitchen has a higher priority. But hey! I can always dream!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

The Bags Arrive!

Our bags have arrived! And nothing inside any of the 4 bags, weighing in at 50 pounds each, broke! yes! The same could not be said for one of the bags itself. The metal frame has been bent to the point that the next smallest bag no longer fits inside. Wonder if that falls under 'normal wear and tear' or not. I'll give SAS a call tomorrow and see if they want to fix the damage or not.

Right now I'm starting on major loads of laundry. Ick!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Wedding went well

Wow, it's been a month since I last found time to sit down in front of my computer and upgrade properly. I'm jet-lagged beyond belief at the moment, and have none of the 4 checked bags. Oh well. Such is life.

The wedding went wonderfully and I'll try to get pictures online for that sometime next year. Ok, maybe sooner than that.

Right now I'm just way too tired to post much of anything!

Friday, June 06, 2008

2 weeks to go!

Wow! Has it really been an entire week since I last found time to write? It's just crazy. David is here now and today we went and did a bit of shopping, met with the priest, and did a bit more shopping. We've also finished up the last of the favors and organized some closets. We've organized all the wedding documents. And we've watched about 4-5 hours of home and garden TV while doing everything else.

Tomorrow we're going to the mall to buy shoes for David, some red ties, presents for people, and perhaps some makeup for me.

I wish I had the energy to type up all the odd thoughts going through my head right now. 13 days until we get married. I wonder if I'll feel like an adult then? When does one stop feeling like 'a kid' and begin feeling like an adult instead?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

3 weeks left...

In 3 weeks I'm going to get married! Man it feels like I've still got tons of things to do. I'm waiting on 4 packages of things I've ordered online too.

It's crazy thinking that I'm getting married... it makes me feel so adult all of a sudden. I don't really feel like an adult, but I feel that I should feel like an adult. That almost makes sense I guess.

There are a million details that go into weddings. The big things like invites, the dress, the shoes, the food, and the locations. But there are also a million small things like making sure we have enough coloring books and crayons for the kids, making sure I've got the right jewelry for the wedding, the many many fittings of the dress with small alterations each, and the thank you presents for those who are helping me. That's what the four packages are.

The house also needs to be cleaned and recleaned, laundry washed, and everything looking shiny and nice before guests show up. I think I'm going to spend today trying to make sure that all the doors and light switches in the house are spotless. I'll have to do it at least one more time before the wedding too, but that's the way it works.

I'm sure I'm forgetting to buy thank you presents for someone... I haven't bought anything for my maids yet... and I'm sure my mom needs something better than what I've ordered for her. Eek! I hope I remember who I'm forgetting soon!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

In California

Well, I'm in California. It's been REALLY busy here. This is what I've been up to since I arrived...

Tuesday evening - plane landed, found fast food, went home and slept.
Wednesday - Tried to get a guest count, slept lots, realized I had a 103 fever. Slept more.
Thursday - Shoe shopping attempt 1.
Friday - Mom and Dad gone all day to help the brother move. Had steaks for dinner at 9pm when they got home.
Saturday - Another day of shoe shopping, finally found the right shoes.
Today (Sunday) - I'm supposed to help my dad put together some mailers to send to relatives with directions. Not sure at all why they weren't included in the invites, but oh well.

Meanwhile I've assigned David the task of helping me put together 'Welcome Packets' for the Swedes. That way when they arrive they'll have some guidelines of stuff to do to avoid driving my parents insane, and they'll also have some ideas of fun things to do in the area.

Once David gets here I need to take him tie shopping, meet the priest, meet the DJ, and do the 100 thousand last minute things that I haven't thought about yet. (Seating chart? Vows? Rings?)

I'd like to go curl up and sleep for a week. Oh well.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

One month left

Today is the 18th. I'm getting married in a month! Wow!

Friday, May 16, 2008

VG in Math D!

Wow! I was totally surprised today when I got an email saying that not only did I pass the math test, but I got a VG (well-passed). Yea! It was the lowest VG one could get, but I did it! There was a third of the book that I didn't understand at all, and about a third of the problems on the test I just left totally blank because I didn't even know where to start. And yet I still managed to pull off a VG. That's quite scary actually. I don't think with this little grasp of a topic in a math class in the states I would have gotten much more than a low pass, if I even passed. A VG is considered to be quite a good grade in Sweden and is the highest grade level at university (there is one more at the highschool level though). Weird! But I'm happy!

Tuesday, US!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I'm finally done with almost all of Swedish. Took my last national test today. Wow it feels nice. I'm not sure how I did, but I feel that I passed at least. I'm hoping that I got an MVG, but I know I probably just got a G or VG. I never ever understood what was needed to get an MVG, which makes it really hard to get. Oh well. Tuesday I leave for the states, I've started doing laundry and collecting things to pack already. I can't believe it's so close.

On Sunday David and I will be making phone calls to EVERYONE whose rsvp card my mother hasn't received. Ugh. Not looking forward to it, but needs to be done. Missing about 10 cards from Sweden. According to tradition my mother would make the phone calls since she is hosting the party. I can't believe the number of people who think that just telling David via sms works instead of sending the nice printed invite card to my mother. It is my parents who are throwing the party, not us. Can't imagine why anyone else would ever try to tell someone that they're coming to a party someone else is hosting and hope the message gets through. I checked the Swedish etiquette website, and even in Sweden written invites require written responses. Oh well, can't expect everyone to follow conventions. I just wish the Swedes weren't the worst of the bunch. Doesn't make them look really good. I knew I should have put return postage on all of those things. We just didn't have the money.

My mother is really looking forward to me flying out there, she says she has tons of wedding stuff for me to do. I believe it! I'm slightly fearful of whatever she has planned, but I imagine I'll survive!

Man, it feels good to be done with the Swedish test. Took me about 5 hours of writing, but it's done!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Valborgs and the First of May

Yesterday was a semi-holiday. Valborgs. In Uppsala it would be celebrated with starting a day with champagne breakfast. Here I did two hours of math homework until David woke up... then we wrote up a shopping list and went shopping. Can you get a bigger difference? This year we celebrated only around dinner time by going out to a friend's place and grilling some meat. It was quite nice and relaxing. David didn't drink and instead drove us around. I drank very little since I was planning on getting up early and working on math homework again. It didn't happen since I didn't get to sleep until around 2am since the entire neighborhood was trying to see how many fireworks they could set off, and how many things they could blow up. They did this from about 10 in the morning until I was finally too tired to notice at 2 in the morning the next day.

Today is the first of day and it is a true holiday. It is marked in red on the calenders, like Sundays. So it is a 'red day' in Swedish. I plan to spend the day doing Swedish and math homework. I also have to clean the apartment, and go shopping so that I'll have the mushrooms to make lunch and dinner. I like to buy those the same day I plan to use them.

Ugh. Just thinking about everything I need to do today makes me want to go back to bed!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Where does time go?

I've only got 3 weeks until I leave for the states and I've got an amazing amount of things that need to be done in that time.

Man, there is just so much left to do here. I'm not even sure where to start. Before I leave for the states though I need to figure out a bit with music, and start making tons of phone calls for all the response cards that my mom hasn't received. Deadline is the 18th, so we'll make the Swedish calls before I go. David and I have to call each and every person who my mom hasn't received a card from by the 18th. Not looking forward to it.

I've got the National Test on the 7th and the 14th. The written part I can't really do much about except read over the information a few times. The spoken section though... I need to have a speech prepared by the 7th of May. That's a bit scary. I also need to put together a presentation about an author from my homeland and a few other small assignments.

I've NO idea when the final date for this is... but I suspect it is in Early May. I've still quite a bit left to do. But this weekend with David gone I should be able to get lots done. It's going a bit slower than I expected since I had to backtrack and redo lots of the C level before the D level since I had forgotten so much.

Everything Else:
And on top of all of this there are still the usual things of cleaning the house, washing clothes, planning and making dinners and lunches and breakfasts, going to the gym, entertaining friends that show up, and making colorful posters with glitter at the unemployment office.

The next 3 weeks are going to be stressful, but still hopefully enjoyable!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Snow away!

The snow is melting! It really honestly is! I'm hoping it'll be gone before I leave for the states on the 20th of May. Right now there are literally rivers running along the pathways as the snow melts from all over and searches for the drains. This week I actually wore my spring shoes AND my sneakers. Not on the same day of course. It's a big change after wearing winter boots since October.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I am getting so tired of math at times! Although the idea of teaching myself calculus in a relatively short time period is quite scary, I'm still doing quite well. I'm not sure I'll be able to learn all of this so quickly, but I'm hoping! And hoping still that all this work will pay off and I'll get into the computer program I want!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Adult Day

Today feels like it has been a very adult day!

We got up, made a shopping list, and went out and bought food for the rest of the week. Then we came back, ate dinner, and then drove out to a friend's place. There I got to see the new baby and the rest of her children and have a nice fika. Then we came home, I slept for awhile, then we went out to another friends' place for dinner. We sat around with a family that has an 18 month year old, and some other friends, played a board game, and just had a nice quiet evening. It was all really very much 'adult' fun. It's weird to feel so adult like.

We've got an apartment we own, not renting, own. We're going to buy a different car. We're getting married. This feels so adult-like it can almost be scary!

Friday, April 11, 2008

More wedding stuff

We got done a ton of the small planning things that have been collecting yesterday. I finally got my hotel recommendation list together for everyone who gets added to the email list. Which is about 3 people right now. So they're all the ones who will be getting updates on driving rules, hotels, vegas bits, etc. I can't force people to send me a quick email.

I've been studying math like crazy this week too. I've also got tons of other homework to get done before I go since I'm actually missing the last few weeks of class too. My to do lists are getting longer instead of shorter.

I've been really bad about getting to the gym. With everything else this week I just feel so drained. Next week though, when I don't have 150 thousand things with applying to university to deal with. Then I'll try and get back to going there 4 days a week. I REALLY do need to get back into shape before the wedding!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Wedding Planning

Well, the invites have been sent out and now we're just waiting for people to say if they are coming or not. My mom has gotten one of the response cards back already. Yea! We've got so much more planning and stuff to do though. There's still music choices to be made, a dance to be learned, and 100s of other small things to do. We have bought our plane tickets now, which I'm sure will make everyone else happy. I get to be in the US for 1.5 months and David for about a month. It'll be so much fun!

In other news I've FINALLY gotten my grades back from the people who were 'translating' them. It only took them 6 months and the end result? A single sided piece of paper, saying that I've got about 8 classes above and beyond what I need to get into University, and that I still need Swedish. Ok fine, but it DOES mean that it changes my study plans for the fall. Originally I was trying to get into something called a 'teknisk basår' or technical base year. It'd give me all the math and science I need to get into an engineering program. Except now I only need 3 classes, one math and two science. The guidance counselor thinks I can get an exception for the two science classes and take those two next year, BUT I need the math. So I'm now going to spend the next month frantically trying to learn a year's worth of math. It doesn't look as hard as I first expected. The D course (the one I'm missing) seems relatively easy. The hard part is going to be getting through the C course first. I've got that class on paper, but since they break up the classes differently here, lots of it is new. Today I'm going to go try and track down a book for the D class, and a teacher, and a few other things as I try to get everything into order. Fun fun fun? Not completely sure, but it's a shot! Worse comes to worse and I just do the technical base year and start in the spring or fall with my actual studies.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

10 weeks!

We've only got 10 weeks until the wedding and it feels like there are still tons of things left to do. There are the invites, the music, the flowers, the vows, the priest, the decorations, the table placements, etc.

In about 1.5 months I'll be in the states helping my mom with the returning invites and whatnot. We'll have to be making a ton of phone calls I suspect for people who do not return the cards. I'm curious how many will actually be able to make it or not and who will have guests and what not. EEK! This is going to be so much fun!

I've also decided that I need to be MUCH healthier to look my best for the wedding. This means going to the gym 4 days a week, going for walks in the evening, and eating healthier. I've decided to avoid candy, drink only one soda a week, and cut alcohol consumption to only 2 drinks a week. I'm also going to try to eat a lot more fruits and veggies. Poor David, I'll probably drag him along on this a bit. I'm not going to force him to eat healthy and stuff, since that's impossible, but I am going to try to get him to go for a walk a week with me and to not try to get me to break my healthy habits! 10 weeks isn't THAT much time to try and be a bit healthier!

But it's 6.10 in the morning and I should go to the gym. I wonder if it matters if I go at 10 instead today? Man, I'm lazy!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Wedding Plans

Well, the wedding plans are in full swing now. My mom is asking me for details and we're going to buy our tickets to the states soon.

The quest to find affordable tickets is an annoying one, but I think we're going to end up working with a travel agent since David and I are flying on different dates and such.

This past week we've been cleaning and organizing, the stairs still aren't painted, but we have cleaned out the linen closet and the kitchen cabinets. We have also done a ton of laundry including the rugs.

Tonight we've got dinner at a friend's house. It should be nice and fun! I'm looking forward to it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Continuing the Job Search

I've been working really hard lately on trying to find a job. I'm having absolutely no luck, which is a bit depressing.

In other news, I need to figure out what to make for dinner.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I've been so sick the past week or so that I've not really done anything. I stayed in bed for 5 days and I haven't left the house in 8. I have learned though that I can't handle the main cough medicine here that you can get with a prescription because the morphine in it makes me vomit. Lovely isn't it? So I'm on prescription number 2, which works less well, but is way nicer to my stomach.

I'm really looking forward to being off of school next week. David will be home too. Speaking of David, he got himself one of those step measuring devices. So now I will have to drag him out on LONG walks so that he doesn't let his team down at school. I'm trying to convince him that he should walk to work each morning, but he doesn't seem to be buying the idea. It's only about 20-30 minutes to walk there and it'd be good for our gas usage and for his health! Although it IS cold outside! In another few weeks though, then it will be light even when he comes home from work at 5.

Myself, I'm hoping that I'll make it out of the house this evening. Tomorrow I've got to be at the unemployment office and I'm hoping to get back to school tomorrow. Thursday hopefully I can get back to the gym. Since I still have to go lie down a lot right now, I figure it's probably best to wait until Thursday for any serious exercise again.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

Today I'm going to get flowers! I know this because I told David that he was to buy me flowers. We've got a nice dinner planned for tonight too.

Meanwhile, I'm cleaning the house and going to meet someone for fika today. Always fun. Swedish is taking up a huge amount of time to study actually. Between books to read, words to learn, and papers to write... not to mention lectures to attend, it takes quite a lot of time. The job search is coming along. I applied to another new job yesterday, we'll see if I get it or not. And tomorrow is the unemployment office. Fun fun fun.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Winter Festivities!

David and I are going to have a winter party Saturday night! I'm so looking forward to it! We're going out to the summer house and if the snow is good, we'll have snowman building contests and all sorts of other bits of fun. I'll even do prizes!

I need to go shopping and buy stuff for this tomorrow. I can't wait!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


It's amazing how tired one can be after just one day. Today was a pretty busy day. Started out with biking out to the far side of town in order to give English lessons. Then did that for an hour, then biked home. On the way home I got myself completely soaked when a big truck drove through a puddle. Even my hat was soaking wet. My winter jacket and pants got dirty too. Then came home, ate a fast lunch, did my homework, then biked to school. Then I got to sit through /3/ hours of Swedish lessons. Then bike home. I shoveled the snow on the front driveway then came inside. I'm doing laundry now since those clothes need washing. I hope they'll dry before tomorrow. They should since they are synthetic. I've also picked up most of the apartment. How do we end up with clothes everywhere. I've got some more cleaning to do, dishes, vacuuming, dinner, and homework. NO idea where I'm going to get the energy. Life is life. *WHINE* I think I'm going to come to hate Wednesdays.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gym Training!

Well, I went to the gym today with a friend and worked out for the first time in a long time. I bought the gym card yesterday and this morning at 6.45 I left for the gym. I didn't train very much or very long, but it felt good. Then afterwards I walked home. It took me about an hour to walk home since I stopped to buy breakfast on the way.

I need to decide what days and times I want to work out. My friend is there at 7am most mornings, but I'm not sure I want to get up that early every day! Perhaps just one or two days a week that early and the other days go in an hour later. My gym card was a bit expensive at 1200 kr, but I bought a cheap one. It is good for only 4 months and only between the hours of 7-15 on weekdays and all day on weekends. I don't plan to go to the gym much in the evenings anyways, so it works out well for me. I think I'll go to the gym again on Thursday, then perhaps again on Friday if I'm feeling up to it, but I don't want to do too much too soon. Then it'll hurt and I won't want to go back again!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Housewife... NOPE!

I'm the WORST blogger ever right now! It's been more than a month since I last update this blog. I guess it's because I've been a combination of VERY busy and VERY bored. Between the internship and going home for Christmas for 2 weeks, I was busy. Then when I got back I started up school again, which is boring.

Today is cleaning day. I don't really like cleaning. I also get to make dinner... I am SO not cut out to be a house wife. :P