Saturday, November 26, 2005

How is it that I manage to still be tired even after a week away from school? Somehow no matter how hard I try, I never quite manage to get caught up with everything I need to do or be relaxed. You'd think if I wasn't doing school work I'd be relaxing, but it doesn't work that way. I spend half my free time relaxing and half doing school work, the result being that I'm neither done with school work or relaxed! But only 2 more weeks of classes, then finals week, then 5 weeks with no school or homework or anything! I'll still be busy, but hopefully I won't have such large projects hanging over my head all the time. I'll also get to spend some time with David, that should make me very happy. Until then... *runs around like a chicken with her head cut off to study and get ready for the holidays*

Right now a nap sounds good though. So time to study until I fall asleep. Maybe my mom will stay gone long enough with my brother so that I'll actually get some sleep in.

Why is it the more I write the more my blog sounds like a whine blog instead of a 'moving to Sweden' blog?

1 comment:

Fahle said...

Du är så söt! Jag hoppas att du har hunnit vila dig lite idag, så att du kan ta itu med skolan sen. Och när du kommer hit får du vila i 3 veckor!