Tuesday, January 24, 2006

First day over

Well, my first day of school ended and today will be my 2nd day. After surviving Mondays I feel like I can survive anything! It was a long day. Left home at about 8.15 or so. Went and spent a small fortune on books. 340 USD! And I haven't even bought them all yet! I got to my first class, Child Development, a bit before it started at 9. It's all girls, 18 girls. I guess guys don't have any care in the kids after they've finished the child creation part. I would expect guys to take the class because there are so many girls. It's a required class too, it replaces nutrition and a few other lifetime learning classes. You just need to take one. I figured this one fit into my schedule. And it's good that I took THIS Child Development class, we're right across the hall from the daycare. It's also known as the child observation lab.

After my first class I went straight to my second class. The class is a bit full. It is an absolutely required class for anyone majoring in International Relations. It cannot be changed for anything else, no alternatives. It's only offered once a year right now, although they're saying in the future that they will over it more often. It is going to require a LOT of reading and writing and I won't have any points really until I turn in my final project in May. The professor says that short of us stabbing ourselves in the foot, then tripping and falling, then impaling ourselves on our own sword, he doesn't expect any of us to fail. That's good since most of us are graduating seniors. That means this is our LAST chance. The class has like 60 people in it instead of the 25 that it's supposed to have. A lot of people are going to drop the class though. I know my friend will. If you don't HAVE to take it, don't. It's too much work.

After that class I ran home, made myself some pasta, then ate said pasta. I made enough originally, I thought, for lunch and dinner. But then I just felt hungry and ate it all. I figured I could buy dinner on campus later. After lunch I went to work. I got there and my boss goes, I don't have anything for you to do. Check your email and head on home. I then got abducted by another boss type person. I told her I was more than willing to do her filing and clerical stuff as long as she was willing to pay me for my time. At 9 bucks an hour it's still cheaper to have me move boxes around and organize papers than for her to do it herself. So I spent some time as an overpaid clerical assistant. My boss got back from lunch about the time that the new intern showed up. I did some training with him, had him move lots of computer stuff. I have a new 'office' now. Well, mostly it's just a little cubicle farther to the back, but it's still nice.

After work I went and bought a snack at the BMU. I then went and pestered the Honors department. They're trying to move furniture. So along with about 4 other bored students who showed up, we all gave helpful advice. Most of their advice was more helpful than mine.

I then went to class. It's a sign that I've been at this school for too long. I didn't recognize a single person in my class. I've NEVER had that problem since my first semester at Chico. The honors classes are offered with such a small group of students from each year that I usually know most of them. But most honors students have finished all of their honors requirements before the last semester. I'm just a bit slow. My last class is only once a week, but it means I have to sit still for 3 hours. The professor is one I dislike. She handed us 12 pieces of paper and half explained 4 of them. She jumps from topic to topic and never finishes anything. I would have been MUCH happier if she started at the top of one paper, explained it, then went to the next. Less jumping around means more things covered in a shorter amount of time. I left the class feeling like I STILL had no idea what was going on with our first few assignments. This class only has 4 small novels and a course packet that I need to buy.

When I got home I dragged my roommate grocery shopping. My argument was that we now have like 8 bottles of booze, 24 beers, and some other alcohol in the fridge... but NO food. I thought we needed more food to balance it out a bit more, hide some of the alcohol behind, etc. We spent quite a lot, but I just wanted to have food again. I finally got around to eating my dinner at 10:30pm last night. I went to sleep at about 11:30pm and managed, somehow, to stay asleep until 6:30am this morning. Pretty good.

So that was my day. Hopefully today is filled with easy classes! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Fahle said...

Yay!, ett eget kontor! Is it your intern to?

I also have the same problem, I only know one person in my class (of 140). I'm old! :-)