Thursday, June 01, 2006

Business trip

I'll be going away to Lake Davis this weekend. Leaving Friday morning and returning Sunday night. It's annoying because it takes away from my weekend time, which is one of the few times I can spend a long time talking to David. I need the money a bit too much to complain though. I'll work an extra 20 hours and get all my food paid for.

I cleaned a bit today. Scrubbed the toilet, polished the mirror, and cleaned my half of the counter and my sink in the bathroom. Maybe if I spend half an hour a day (or an hour) cleaning from now until when David gets here... this place will actually look respectable. (Right...) Tonight I have a goal to take the trash out, vacuum, make dinner, and maybe start cleaning out this set of plastic drawers I have next to me.

I was hoping to get enough pieces of eight this weekend to buy the house I've been wanting, but with going out of town, it isn't looking likely. I still have 3000 poe to go! Bleh!

Oh, and I'm thinking about buying another video game next week. I really would like to have Harvest Moon for my DS. I've gotten bored of Animal Crossing, haven't played since before I graduated. I might play it this weekend though. I'll be out at the lake with no homework to do!


Fahle said...

wee! Then can I try Harvest Moon too! And even if I can't talk to you this weekend I can talk to you a lot in 2 weeks :-)

Fahle said...

btw Business trip sounds really "grown up" or adult :-)