Saturday, August 26, 2006

Unknown Title

Thinking of a blog title was too much work this morning. Today we don't have a lot of plans. David is doing some of his own laundry. We might go by Tobbe's moving in party tonight for awhile. We might go visit some friends and get someone's dad to sign my passport papers that require a priest.

Later today, when my parents wake up, I might give them a call. Let them know I'm still alive and everything.

Last night we went with some friends to another of David's friends. We sat there and talked for awhile. It was quite relaxing. He actually like owns his own apartment and has a real job. It's crazy. That weird life is waiting for me out there. In one way, I fear the growing up part. In another way I look forward to the time when I might actually be able to afford to have nice furniture in an apartment that isn't a bit too small. Imagine... furniture that isn't left over from previous student generations! Furniture that isn't made only out of plastic and white plywood. Maybe even an odd piece of furniture that isn't from IKEA! Except that would be worth way too many adult points I'm afraid. Oh well... I guess everyone has to grow up eventually?

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