Wednesday, October 04, 2006

David is Alive! Alive I say! Alive!

Ok, so I just got an email from him. For your viewing pleasure, I present.... DAVID! Live from China!

Hello, Right now I'm sitting in an internet cafe with lots of kids playing world of worldcraft. :-)

We arrived with almost no problems, except some delays and the fact that our driver was at the wrong airport.... After some phonecalls and some help from a Chinese who spoke some English I managed to get a hold of him. After that I got appointed leader of the group. ;-)

There are so many people here and almost no one from the West. We are like moviestars! People look at us all the time, and want to take pictures of us, and sometimes they try to hide the fact that they are taking pictures or filming us. We have also written some autographs!

The food is not as bad as I thought it would be, and I have almost mastered the chopsticks. I have no problems with my health except a headache yesterday morning, probably because I drank too little.

The shopping here is great, and the food is almost free. Yesterday we had breakfast that cost about 1kr and 50 ore. Well it was noodles but they filled me up. :-)

Yesterday we did a lot of sightseeing, and we went out on the west lake paddling small boats. Well, not that small, we had 4-5 people in them. We were the only people from the West out on the lake so we always had other boats around us.

In China its a national holiday right now, so the schools are closed this week. We got a light start to the trip. And I'm not the only one who forgot my name tag. I'll make a new one today.

I'm not sure how often I will have access to internet, but at least now I know where the internet cafe is. The problem is that I think that they have planned lots of stuff for us the following days, but I will try to get here as often I can.

I share room with Patrik. It's a small apartment. It's brand new, some of the price tags are still left on some of the furniture, and on the towels they gave us. :-) We are also known as the beer drinking group now, since we have beer with every meal. And we ordered it at 10 in the morning yesterday! We got Bud Light!

Everybody is really nice to us, but they can't drive. Or well they can drive really well, but they don't care about traffic rules, so we are always looking after each other when we are walking close to streets.

I have no idea how much time I have left here at the internet cafe, so feel free to tell people about my trip on your blog. :-) By the way, did you get my SMS that I sent you? I just checked, it costs about 2,50 kr to send an sms to you from china, at least I think so. So I will probably send you more if you can receive them. But a phone call cost more then 20 kr a minute. :-( But if you really need to get a hold of me try calling me. And try to send me an SMS if you want, I should be able to receive them.

So David is alive and having a wonderful time. Those are both good things to be. I'm glad he's having fun. If he wasn't having a good time and left me here to be miserable while he was miserable in China I would NOT be happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes it is. We have a really slow start this week, we were fre yesterday, and today, and probably tomorrow until 5 a clock.
