Monday, December 11, 2006

Crunch Time

With Christmas just around the corner, the end of the semester stuff, and everything else, it will be a very busy week here. I have lectures or seminars every day this week. Thursday I have to do a presentation on a paper that I haven't even done the research for yet. I also have the last of my Christmas shopping to do and some Christmas cards to deliver still. David and I need to find some time to return to Ikea and buy a few more things and to replace the defective bookshelf board. I also have a hemtenta this weekend. The 18th David and I fly up to Skellefteå. Busy Busy Busy!

I'm thinking to maybe take a break from drinking too. This last weekend was a bit rough. Two drinking days. Even though I only had three ciders each night, it still seems a bit much. Every weekend it seems there is a new party. Maybe I'll go until New Years without drinking, but I think until Christmas will be good enough.

Oh, and I've made the somewhat adult choice that I'm not going to spend money getting my hair done until I'm earning money again. Not having a job right now means I'm only spending money and not ever getting new money into my bank account. 1000kr just to get my hair done is a bit expensive right now, so I'll wait. Annoying, but since we've been spending money on more fun things right now, getting my hair done isn't going to happen.


Jaenelle said...

Oh? Why is that? ;)

Jaenelle said...

Ugh, I don't drink Glögg. I think it tastes disgusting. I also don't drink julmust.