Thursday, March 29, 2007


I'm sorry for being such a bad blogger! Goal for the next week is to actually get back to updating this thing each day. Anyways, in the past 2 weeks I've passed SFI, started a different Swedish course, finished a university course, and have been working hard on my thesis. I've also been quite sick for a week during all of that. I've been reading lots of books for school, spending time at the library, and doing a million other things. And in doing so I've completely forgotten to update this blog! ACK!

Enough with the excuses. Today we slept in since we went to Tim's birthday party last night. I spent some time studying and some time playing video games. We sat outside in the sun and studied for awhile. It's colder today than yesterday so we didn't stay outside too long. I haven't gotten as much studying done today as I wanted to, but I guess everyone needs a day off.

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