Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Swedish A here I come!

Well, it's been insane the past week. We moved last weekend. I also took a test yesterday that says I can move up a level in Swedish class. But I'm supposed to stay with my old class too and finish up the novel and a few other things. I've no problem with that really. It's more Swedish classes!

David also got to teach his first lecture as a real teacher. He took a day off of cleaning and went in as a substitute. He loved it. I wish we didn't need his income so much. Then he could be a teacher, even if it was just a substitute. He's been offered full time work for just next week too. But he doesn't want to leave his other stable income yet, and he really doesn't want to leave the work place short a cleaner. I need to get at least a part time job. REALLY. Then I can earn some money and he can quit his current job (or work just part time there). And look for teacher work. He'd love that.

Meanwhile. I'm now taking classes or studying the following courses.
Swedish Basic (Svenska grund)
Swedish Extra (in order to pass Basic faster)
Swedish A (first year of highschool Swedish - Svenska A)
Driving Theory (Korkort terori)
Social Studies A (Samhallskunskap A)

I'm thinking about dropping the Extra course. Because then I don't have to get up quite so early on Wednesday mornings.

Also... we're still trying to dig our way out of the giant pile of boxes. We spent most of yesterday trying to find a bag of screws that puts together 4 bookshelves. That will let us empty a whole TON of boxes. They were in a big bag of shoes. Go figure.

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