Friday, July 17, 2009


I love summer, with one exception... I see so much less of other human beings. Sitting at home and studying most days doesn't provide for very interesting human interactions. So I'm rather looking forward to school starting up in the fall. Sadly I'll be doing distance classes and won't be meeting many people then either... but at least I can go to school and hang out with people. Right now almost noone is in town at all!

I've got 4 assignments left to do and a tenta for my summer classes, but that's it. I've been working rather hard on learning the driving stuff too. I have another lesson on the 31st and this time they've asked David to come along so that he can better understand what things I need to work on. Personally I think I need to work on not stalling the car. But that's probably just me.

I really need to get some of my programming assignments done soon. They tend to always take longer than I plan.

But tonight! Out to the music festival in town with David. There are a few things I want to see and maybe go by and see a couple of short films too. I've always loved short films. *misses Uppsala*

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