Friday, January 27, 2006

Friday is here at last!

I'm done with classes for the week and I have only 4 more hours of work!

I've decided that this long grain rice is NOT as easy to cook as the Jasmine rice. So I'll be going back to the stuff that I can boil and still have it taste good. And korv strogonoff does not taste quite the same with hotdogs as it does with falukorv.

Speaking of food... I've invited my mom over for dinner, not this weekend but the next. This gives me a week to decide what I want to make for her. Somehow I don't think frozen pizzas will do it. ;) I told her she has to bring her own chair since we have /1/ kitchen chair. The other three are in pieces and I'm too lazy to put them together. Maybe I could make a taco pie. I don't think my mom has ever had that. I'll have to search the internet for a recipe and instructions.

It definitely looks like my life will be VERY busy this semester! Hopefully this will keep me busy enough that I won't think too much about how much longer it is until I get to go back to Sweden! Here are two links for whoever. ;)
Time until David Comes (June 15th)
Time until Sweden Movie (August 15th)
The dates aren't set in stone, but it is nice to at least have a date to look forward to!


Fahle said...

Yes, drinking is good, atleast until the next day. Do you have any Resorb?

I hope that you won't have to much to do, so you forget to take som special Sarah time :-)

Hanna-Stina said...

Hmm... I think I might have to try making korvstroganoff using hotdogs. It sounds like a neat idea, and it will probably be close enough to what I'm used to. :)

Jaenelle said...

The hotdogs are a bit sweeter... I might try expierimenting to see which brand tastes the most like falukorv. I used some all beef franks. It took some getting used to, but it wasn't bad. :)