Monday, January 23, 2006

LONG and BORING entry.

I'm actually writing this entry while offline. Been sitting at my apartment for the last 4 and a half hours without internet. I managed to get mostly unpacked before I got bored. I'll have internet again when my roommate gets here. Who the heck knows when that will be. Anyways, the rest of this entry is likely to be quite boring to most people, it's just me thinking in list form and posting it. I do that quite often. But wooo! I'm in the home stretch now for my move! Just have to finish one more semester of school/work and then I get to move to Sweden! I can't wait!

I've started talking to my mom about what else I need to do before I go. Mostly I just use her to bounce ideas off of. I've decided that just about anything that doesn't go to Sweden with me I'll need to make choices about.

Category A: If the item is not likely ever to go to Sweden (microwave, toaster, anything that plugs into the wall) it is going to be given to my mom. She can decide what to do with those things. Give them to my brother, store them, sell them, give them to any of her friends kids. I don't care at that point. I have a LOT of unused plug in things, but it isn't worth trying to make them work in Sweden. So that's one category of items.

Category B: Items that aren't likely to go over to Sweden anytime in the next few years but that I'm not ready to give up yet (if ever). This group contains things like my barbies, my victorian doll (complete with clothes and furniture), and my cheerleader uniform. I'm sure there are a lot of things I haven't found yet that fit into this category. Probably some of my favorite figurines from when I was a kid and such.

Category C: Things that wait until I have my own place with more space. This group is things like my nice dishes. And perhaps some of my hardback books. David's apartment just doesn't have the space or the need for things like this right now. Jenny has a lot of plates and such. Very durable. The kindest thing about the dishes David and Jenny have right now is that they sure as heck won't break easily! They're just basic IKEA student dishes. My fluffy blankets are in this category too. No need for them now or in the near future, but I like them too much to get rid of!

Category D: Things that will come over as soon as I have space in my luggage. This is mostly kitchen stuff. Some nice glass baking dishes and some of my pots and pans. It doesn't need to come over this trip or the next, but eventually it'd be nice.

Category E: Stuff that either needs to come over THIS trip. This is stuff like clothes, important documents, my computer, etc. Important things that I use often enough or are important enough to justify dragging across the ocean.

My mom reminded me that when I pack up my apartment this summer I'll need to carefully separate things and be sure the boxes are marked. A stuff will probably go up into the attic. B stuff is most likely NOT in my apartment right now. It's probably sitting in my closet and will remain there, perhaps a bit more organized. C stuff will be boxed up and probably put into my closet at my parents' place too. (It's a BIG closet, it currently has a dresser, a space heater, 8 boxes, and 2 chairs sitting on the floor.) D and E stuff will hopefully end up in either my bags or David's bags. Or else it will come over the next trip I make home.

I'm sure I'll change my classification system another 12 times before I leave. I just need to organize things a bit in my head. I still have 6-7 months before I move over there. Thank goodness David will be here in like 5 months! I don't think I could wait until the very end of summer to see him again!

Amazingly that thing only took me 15 minutes to type out. So much for killing an extensive amount of time with it. Maybe I'll go do something productive rather than just thinking about being productive. Like put my clothes away or make my bed... or heck, maybe pick up the books that have taken over the floor of my room.

Ok. I managed to spend 45 minutes organizing and sorting my books. I've gotten them up off of the floor now too. I also counted my books. I have 106 paperbacks and 9 hard backs that I like enough to want to bring over right away. I have 36 paperbacks that I'm not so attached to and might leave behind. Those are all just science fiction/fantasy. Besides those I have 54 romance novels. I figure I'll choose maybe 15-20 and abandon the rest. I have 12 hard backs that I'm leaving behind because I also have them in paperback. I have two paperbacks I'm leaving behind because I am missing one of the three books and I have one hardback book with all three inside, so going to bring the hardback instead (already added into the bring novels). I have 21 random books in paperback and hardback that are either swedish learning books with grammar or are otherwise special enough to bring. I also have 12 books that I'm planning on leaving in the states. That means that I currently have 250 books in my room at my apartment. And I have already mailed 7 kilos to Sweden, left several books there when I was there, probably have some books in my room that I haven't found, and I know I still have books at my parents. This might be a bit too many books to even mail! I'm going to have to make choices eventually! Have I mentioned before that I like books? It's 7pm and my roommate is still not here to give me internet. At this rate there is going to be one LONG entry by the time I do get internet again!


Fahle said...

Poor poor girl!
But now you have a slow internet :-)

Jaenelle said...

Better than no internet! At least this way I can whine to people about internet. No internet doesn't even let me whine while it's happening!