Monday, January 30, 2006


My cooking project for this week went rather well. I bought some thin-cut pork chops and fried them up. Then took the pork chops out of the pan. Then I put in a whole blue box of slice mushrooms, then fried those up. I poured some cream in with the mushrooms, added some pepper and some seasoning salt and some soy sauce. Then I put the meat back in. I let it simmer for a minute or two, trying not to eat the mushrooms out of it. I served that over rice with some steamed broccoli. YUM! Plus I made enough for 3 more meals. That'll give me lunch and dinner tomorrow and lunch on Tuesday. If I have a lunch sitting at home for me, then I can work for another half hour or so at work before coming home.

I didn't get as much homework done this weekend as I planned on. Originally I wanted to have all of my classwork for the entire next week done. But I got done two of the three papers that are due and a bunch of the reading. I still need to do my study questions and three more chapters of reading tonight, but that seems manageable.

I hope everyone had a nice weekend!

1 comment:

Fahle said...

That sounds really yummy! We have to make it when I come by. And yes I had a really nice weekend, or maby not that nice Sunday...