Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Today I went shopping. I bought about 30 dollars worth of stuff. It wasn't bad consider that I got quite a lot. I was mostly only buying things that were on sale. The exception was some broccoli. I felt this odd urge for something green and somewhat healthy. My prize item is about a half pound of stir-fry beef. It's pre-cut and was only like 2.50. I'll gladly pay more to not have to cut it myself! I can just take off the plastic and dump it into the pan. I'm going to steam some of the broccoli and throw that together with the beef into a simply asian mix. The mix is asian noodles, some sauce, and some sesame seeds to put on top. It should be quite good and should give me enough for more than one meal.

I'm doing a major laundry day right now. Towels, lights, darks, and maybe sheets if I'm not feeling too tired. At about an hour a load it's 5 hours to do laundry and I'd REALLY like to have clean and dry sheets before bed. If they have to wait until Thursday, so be it. Actually.... I'm pretty sure I have a second set of sheets around here somewhere I could always put on instead. My problem is that I don't actually have enough pillow cases! I only have 6 and 4 pillows. So two of my pillows would be caseless! Probably not the end of the world though.

Oh. And I will start studying for my Friday exam sometime tonight. I also want to start reading the copy of War and remembrance I checked out from the library. And start on my paper. And type up my journal that's due next week. And do my research for my Gender class presentation. And create another draft of my paper that I turned in last week. And maybe sleep sometime. Realistically I'll probably just start studying for Friday's exam while making dinner and play my DS before bed.

1 comment:

Fahle said...

Det där lät som jättegod mat, jag är avundsjuk. Själv åt jag mackor till middag.