Saturday, February 25, 2006

I remembered the funny thing for the day.

My professor had an interesting way of telling her husband that she was pregnant for the 2nd time. She was taking the test in the bathroom with the 18 month old. (apparently you can't go to the bathroom alone with an 18 month old). And the kid asked what she was doing. As they watched the little line turn into a cross, she explained what the cross meant. Then she sent the 18 month old with the test to daddy and told her to say 'baby'. *laugh* It took the dad 2.653 seconds to find mommy and ask if it meant what he thought it meant. *giggle*

That was the high point of the day. It was definitely better than dealing with everything else today.

1 comment:

Fahle said...

Poor daddy :-)
But it was quite cute too :-)