Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Happy News

Well, I'm still sick, but feeling a lot better. I stayed home from work today. It wasn't worth the extra 2 hours of work. Turns out it was good that I didn't go. Just walking up the stairs (1 floor!) at the library made me feel very ill.

The good news though is that both of my exams/quizzes for Thursday were moved until after spring break. One of them is two weeks after and the other is the first day back. Still better to not have them this week. This leaves me with only one class to focus on for the rest of the week. My political science class. I've gotten the majority of the work I need to turn in printed. I really need to hole punch the thing and put it into a note book of some sort. Took forever to type up all the notes for the past few weeks. The thing I still want to get done is to get a finished copy of my 2nd paper done. I've gotten a rough draft turned in, but I wasn't happy with it. So I'd like to get it updated before I start on my next paper this coming week. Perhaps I'll work on it some tonight if I'm feeling better.

And on Thursday after school (4:30) the cleaners are going to come and give us an estimate for the costs of cleaning the apartment. If the price is affordable, they should come by in two weeks. Oh, and the toilet is starting to not work. Takes two flushes to accomplish anything. I guess that last bit isn't happy. But most of the rest of this is!


Fahle said...

Well most of the stuff in the post sound good :-)

Hanna-Stina said...

I'm sorry to read that you are still sick. I hope you get better soon. :)