Friday, March 24, 2006

Why I hate group work

I'm working on a group project for my gender class (which doesn't actually have much to do with gender). My group is a bunch of dorks. I managed to piss off one of the girls enough that she shut up and let us get some work done. Anytime anyone had any ideas she'd say they weren't good and try to get us back to her dumb ideas. She was ordering everyone around and telling everyone what they were going to do. I offered to just let her do the whole project if she really knew best how to do it. I also started answering 'yes mam' every time she told me to do something. No one nominated her leader.

I've also had my main areas for my report taken away and given to someone else. This makes the second time. I don't feel like having all my research tossed out, so I'll probably just take credit for the information that I collected because it's stupid to make me do everyone else's research because they're too lazy to do it themselves. Not that I have much say in anything. I hate group projects. I always end up with someone who isn't even old enough to drink thinking that they're boss of the world. It's annoying. AND I have to meet with them one more time before we do our presentation.

I guess that's life.

Oh, and my mom came by for less than an hour today. She drove an hour and a half here and an hour and a half home to spend less than an hour here. She of course turned down my invite to lunch despite the fact that I had everything ready for it. She was in such a hurry to get home and help my dad put things into boxes that she couldn't possibly stay another 5 minutes. Sometimes my mom's ideas of rational are a bit confusing. I wish my mom wanted to spend as much time with me as I do with her. And I didn't even ask her to come down, she came down because of GradFest which I could have handled just as well on my own. I am thankful that she wrote the check for my cap and gown rental and my graduation announcements/invitations. The cap and gown rental were expensive.


Fahle said...

Group work can be really fun, good and productive but then all the members have to understand the basic things about working in a group: cooperation!

If that doesn't work, nothing will turn out good...

Hanna-Stina said...

Oh man, I hate group work too. I have never been in a group yet that has actually worked.

Jaenelle said...

I don't like leading groups I don't like being led. :P I really do much better working by myself. Brain storm or whatever in a group, but then go off and do your own thing. Always works MUCH better.