Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Horrible Blogger :(

Ok, I REALLY am going to make some effort to get back to blogging each day. Things have started to get crazy here, and the last thing I want at the end of the day is something else that I should do. I've been avoiding anything in the 'should' category for awhile at home. But I have plans to work more on that! I did laundry yesterday, even put most of it away.

I spent the weekend visiting my family. I think I'll avoid visiting them again until after David gets here. My dad is obviously unstable. And my mom is back to treating me like a child again. I was telling my mom about something one of my professors mentioned in class, more as a joke than anything, 'did you know peanuts cause cancer?' and my dad who is walking out of the room, charges back in and says, "WHERE'D YOUR PROFESSOR PULL THAT FROM, HIS ASSHOLE?" I'm not sure what's gotten into him. It was just so out of nowhere for him to go off the hook like that. This type of behavior is what made him so difficult to live with when I was a teenager.

My mom hasn't been much better. She would order me around like I was 12. She'd nag and nag at me to go pack up my stuff hours early, so that I could have time with my relatives when they visit. I would think that when it comes to something like packing, /I/ would know when I need to pack things up. So I ended up sitting on the couch for 2 hours with nothing to do while my mom quilted.

My family is filled with freaks.

Maybe I'll go up to Lake Davis next weekend and earn some money or something instead.

1 comment:

Fahle said...

Your family sounds like all familys! It will be realy intresting to finally meet them. Btw I started to miss your posts ;-)