Monday, August 14, 2006

1 day to go!

Tomorrow is the last day before my flight! It's the day I'll be doing all the packing and everything. EEK! Today I went shopping with my mom. I bought lots of stuff. I bought two new pairs of pants, lots of new underwear (time to trash the stuff with holes!), a new swimsuit, and lots of other little things. The new pairs of pants are so nice and soft. They aren't jeans like I usually buy, but instead they are corduroy. My mom was trying them on and was saying such nice things about them, that I went and found the smallest size and tried them on. I loved how they felt. So I bought two pairs. They were seriously on sale so each pair was a mere 15 dollars. Maybe I can wear them around the house instead of PJ pants all the time. That way I embarrass fewer people. Tomorrow I get to spend lots of time doing laundry. That way I can avoid packing as much in the way of dirty clothes as possible.

Loki is doing pretty well. He mostly hides in a box that my dad set up for him. He comes out for food, water, and litterbox. Other than that he just stays hidden. I think it might be instinct to hide and stay quiet when you hurt. Easier to avoid becoming food that way.

My mom ordered Chinese food today. And my Uncle Dave and his family all came over. It was nice to say good bye to everyone.

It's crazy when I think of everything that I have left to do. Most of the things I couldn't do ahead of time either. Packing has to be done the last day, as does laundry if I want to avoid packing dirty clothes. My new contacts don't arrive until tomorrow either. I also have to make a quick run to the bank and the grocery store.

My thoughts are so disorganized. Maybe I'll go talk to my mom for awhile and write a list. I like lists. I should add updating my other lists to my list of things to do. I need mental help don't I?


Anonymous said...

Soon you will be here! I miss you so much right now.

I think you shuld write a list, it's good for you :-)And I think it's normal to feel so disorganized right now.

/David from the summer house on a old phone modem

Hanna-Stina said...

Good luck with everything! I'm sure you will manage to get all you want done.

Anonymous said...

Well, I've packed away my computer and I can't for the life of me remember my password and login name. Too ARGH at the moment. I can't really believe this day is actually here. My travelling day! I don't think I slept much at all last night, I was so nervous.

I'm going to do one more walk through the house after breakfast. Everything should be packed or in a pile to be packed. I hope my bags don't go over. I was really close with the scales last night. If they throw fits, I pull stuff out. If they don't, I add more stuff in.

I'm a bit worried about security. It's not that I should be worried, but they always get upset over the smallest things. I've had so many pairs of nail scissors confiscated. Oh well.

Here's hoping that the day goes really well. And David, if you get this... be sure that Jenny had my cell number. I have no idea what my number is, but I figure you do. If you notice my flight delayed or something, let her know.

Fahle said...

I'll give her your cell number, and I will try as good as I can to track your flights. Have a nice trip and call me when you have landed and come thru security and so :-)
