Monday, December 26, 2005


I feel like a pirate with the amount of loot I've acquired today. It's a bit weird knowing that I'll get even more tomorrow. Most of my 'loot' is in cash or cash-like items. Got 100 dollar debit/visa card from my mom. Got 100 dollar bill from my aunt and uncle. I got two 100 dollar checks from my grandfather, although one of them is for my birthday. I also got 600 (!!!) dollars from my grandfather for my old computer. I wanted to give him the thing for free. Finally I agreed to take 500, and he comes and gives me 600. I'm not going to complain though. The money is much needed. Besides the cash-like items I also got an MP3 player, two sweaters, two screwdrivers, an external harddrive (although I traded my old internal to my dad for it and am chipping in 40 dollars or so of my own cash), a jar of almond roca, the first three Megatokyo books, some homemade junk from my little cousins (a badly made sandart, a Christmas tree something, a small painted box, some cheap bath stuff, although to be fair the youngest is not yet 5), a hand powered flashlight, and a book on how to survive on my own. All of this and there will still be two or three presents tomorrow as well. Somehow I feel spoiled.

My mom and I are probably going shopping on Tuesday or Wednesday. Go and spend at least the 100 in debit card she gave me. It's one of those one use cards. When it's gone, the card is basically trash. I want a new pair of jeans, maybe a new sweatshirt, and perhaps a few other bits of clothes.

If I don't spend more than 500 dollars or so in Sweden during the next 3 weeks then I'll have enough money to survive 10 months or so in Sweden! *hop* That'll leave me just two months worth of expenses to earn next semester! This is getting more and more possible! If I can't stay under 4000 SEK for 3 weeks... that would be very pathetic. That's just for food, a bit of travel, and entertainment in Sweden. I REALLY should be able to stay under that! *laugh* Although if I go a bit over it'd be ok too. I might get more cash tomorrow too! We'll have to see.

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