Wednesday, December 07, 2005

no topic?

I can't think of an interesting topic today. I don't even really know what I'm going to type about. I'm tired as usual. Ran 1.5 miles today... or roughly 2400 meters. Without stopping. I'm rather proud of myself. Took me 15 minutes and 9 seconds. I used to be able to run a full mile in half that time! Ick! But it was a long run and I stayed at a pretty constant speed throughout. Took me about 2 minutes 30 seconds per lap. I'm going to skip aerobics on Thursday because it's not actual aerobics, just fitness testing and I don't need to show up to pass.

My office now has a space heater that hangs out behind my desk. I don't know if my office can really be called MY office since it's mostly the main room with 3 desks and 3 smaller offices off of it. The receptionist is in the office on the other side of the hall. Don't have to go through my office to get to her. Does that count for anything? My boss complimented me on my good work last week. My precious pivot charts. Although he has given permission to the assistant director to kidnap me to do boring stuff for the next 2 weeks. Ick! I will be able to work extra hours next week though. Finals schedule gives me free time. Once I decide when I'll work I'll post my 'new life' for next week.

I'm not feeling too stressed about exams yet. I'm sure that will come. My first final will be the day after tomorrow. It should be the easiest of my exams and its the only one I have a study group for. I spoke to that professor about non economic stuff, or vaguely economic stuff for a half hour in his office today. I went in with some questions and we just kept talking until it was time for class.

I still haven't heard back from Uppsala yet about if I can apply or not. I'm starting to get worried! Maybe though Ulla just had to go look something up? Or maybe she was away today. I've started collecting stuff in a suitcase to go back to my parents house and eventually to Sweden. Just presents for people, cake mixes, etc.

That was a very wandering, no topic post. :P

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