Monday, January 29, 2007

SFI update

Du kan få börja i sfi i morgon tisdag den 30/1, klockan 12.15.
Kursen är en D-kurs på Verkmästargatan 21, ingång A.
Rum V 11. Din lärare heter Gun Engström.
Kan du maila mig tillbaka och meddela om du kan komma redan i morgon.

Basically says that I can start SFI tomorrow morning at 12.15. The level is D and the address the room number and the professor. So Yea! I had to email them back and explain that I couldn't make it at that time though. I have class until 13:00 so cannot be there until around 13.30. They said it was OK.

So tomorrow... Class from 10.15 until 13.00. Catch the bus straight to SFI at the other end of town. Sit there until around 16.30 or so. Then catch the bus straight back to town. I've got movie night with my class for our weekly documentary starting at 17.00. It will involve professor supplied wine, a bit of food, the usual. I'll be home after 21.00. Ugh! Busy busy!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Busy busy!

I've been quite busy. Last Friday I was given a book to read as well as two assignments on the book. Everything due this past Tuesday. That was not much time to get everything done. This week should be a bit calmer. I have an entire week to read the book and do only one assignment.

Last night I met up with some classmates and the professor to watch a documentry and talk for awhile. It was a very nice evening. There was a bit too much red wine involved, but I felt fine the next morning, so not too bad. I think the professor was a bit worse for wear today. That might have been the antihistamines he was taking to prevent allergies though. The professor has kindly agreed to be my supervisor for my thesis as well. Which is just great.

The weather here has been wonderful. Very cold, but beautiful. It's been snowing on and off for the past week. It is much easier to deal with the darkness when there is snow to reflect what little light there is back up into the air. Looking out the window and watching snow fall just makes me extremely happy. This is the winter I've been expecting. No idea how long it will last, but I plan to enjoy it.

Nothing extremely interesting is going on here. David will begin working in one of the schools here come Monday. That means he'll be working pretty much full time and working on his final paper. It should be both a very busy, boring, and interesting last semester for us both. I've got to admit though, I'm feeling a bit tired of school. 5 years with no break is a long time!

Friday, January 19, 2007

First day of class

The first day of class started out quite interestingly. Half the students were told to go find another course. There were too many students for the type of course this is, so anyone who hadn't finished their first degree was told to go elsewhere. The class is roughly 20 students now. I have to meet up with my group on Monday, since I'm in the first group I have to present on a book by Tuesday. This weekend will be spent reading for me. How boring.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


There's almost nothing going on right now. I've still not heard back from SFI about when I can start classes. My first class for school starts on Friday. David's been playing with his new computer and I've been spending time at the library studying for Friday's class. We had a brief snowstorm. Which was completely melted within 36 hours. Today was beautiful, about 7 degrees above 0 and sunny.

The controllers for the Wii came last week. They work... but the one I've been using rattles already. Not really pleased with the quality, but what can you expect for the price. Been spending way too much time playing video games since there isn't much else for me to do at the moment. It's nice and relaxing, but a bit boring.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Birthday and SFI

Yesterday I spent another 2 hours at the hair salon. The end result being a very nice looking hair style. It just took forever to get what I wanted. My hair is much abused now, having been dyed 3 times in two days. It looks wonderful though.

Yesterday was also my birthday. Besides spending an unreasonable amount of time getting my hair done, I also had a small birthday dinner. David and Peter and I ate a very nice dinner, drank some cheap wine, and ate chocolate cake. Peter made the cake for me as a birthday present. A Betty Crocker cake with the icing from the can. It was wonderful! David gave me two presents. One is a promise to go out to dinner later and the other is 500 kr towards video game stuff. I also got some money from relatives.

Today I had my SFI interview. I managed to go through the entire thing in Swedish. They said they weren't quite sure what to do with me since I could already speak Swedish quite well. They gave me a small written test that I did quite poorly on I think. They're still going to put me at the D level they think. (There are only 4 levels... A B C and D). Within a few months they think I should be able to pass the national test. That isn't the TISUS (Test in Swedish for University Studies) but instead is the one that allows me to get a job I think. Anyways, I'm just waiting now for them to call me or send me an email saying what class they think I should join. The ideal class is 5 times a week from 12:30 until 4 or something like that. I'll be late to class at least one day a week due to university classes, but if they can, that's where I should be. It will be expensive though, since I'll have to have a bus card to get there. It will be 60-70 USD (400-500 kr) a month for the bus tickets. Oh well, at least the class is free.

We also got two packages today. One was the controllers for the Wii so that I can finally play my farming game that I got for Christmas. The other package was toner for David's printer. Now it can print again! David also ordered a new computer today so that we don't have to have his fire-hazard computer in the apartment for too much longer.

Wow... lots of things are happening here in just the last two days!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Hair disaster!

I finally got up the courage to get my hair highlighted in Sweden. David and I booked the appointment last Friday for today. Idea being that I could be pretty on my birthday. David carefully explained what we wanted done in Swedish. The man in charge seemed to understand exactly what we wanted and quoted us a price on the spot.

I came in today and there was a fight (which I stayed out of) about the wrong price being quoted which was too low. I was willing to pay the higher price, but they decided it was their mistake. I was paired with some Iranian lady whose Swedish was difficult to understand. I tried to explain what I wanted, and I thought I had succeeded. But the end result shows I didn't.

They were rushed, I started at 3:30 and by 5 they were nowhere near done. Not even halfway done with the dying. They started rushing things. There were multiple people working on me at the same time. They even moved me out of one chair and into another so she could cut another person's hair.

The end result was as the dye was being washed out they decided, before I even got to see my hair, that they were going to have to fix it. Instead of putting red and blond streaks onto JUST the part where the hair had grown out... they put only blond throughout my hair. I look more blond than brunette now. They also got rushed and mixed 9 percent bleach instead of the 6 percent they used on the rest of my hair at the end. So there are some large chunks of VERY light hair instead of small streaks of proper color. The color doesn't go all the way to my scalp either. It stops short where they got lazy and didn't make sure that it was done properly. So there are still sections of my hair that look like a skunk! I have a stripe down the top of my head still. My hair has also not been cut. They said I didn't order it and they also ran out of time.

So tomorrow I have to go back to the hair place and get my hair fixed. David will go with me and yell and explain what they should have done and what they are supposed to do now. Sometimes it is nice to have a boyfriend who cares.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Hand Controllers!

Well, David and I finally found some affordable hand controllers. I hope they will work! We previously had two of the controllers from Game that were Wii colored, but they cords were so short. They were under 2 meters. We can't afford wireless controllers, so we bought some cheap ones and bought two cables to lengthen the cables. Anyways, if everything arrives in a timely manner and works properly, I'll give a short advertisement for the store. Not sure how many of my readers are in Sweden and play video games, but it seems to be a new website ran by an individual instead of a big company. That's always good. So soon we should have 4 new hand controllers and 2 lengthening cables.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Swedish Bills and Stupidity

So... again... David and I have been double billed for the same service. This time it was Telia instead of Tele2 and involved my cell phone rather than the cable for the TV. But this overbilling seems to happen quite often if it has happened to me already two times in the short time I've been in Sweden. Every time we call the solution is the same, pay all the bills to the full amount. Theoretically we should get money back. But the last time we paid the full amount in all bills was in October and we STILL haven't gotten any of our money back. So meanwhile the Cable company gets to earn interest on our bill, as well as probably many others they mess up. Maybe they hope we'll forget about it and they can just keep the money? This Telia one has me quite annoyed though because it is a quarterly bill and they double billed me for three months. That's 357 kr that I no longer have to use. That is a LOT of money as a student. And they say we should get the money returned to us by March.

Why oh why can't they just take checks like in the states where I would just send in less money and a polite note and let them deal with it! I've asked my friends what they do in these situations and they just say, wait. They think nothing wrong of letting big companies like Telia take their money for extended periods of time with no compensation. If I wanted to loan money I'd expect a bit of interest at the least.

ARGH! Sometimes the Swedish system just frustrates me to tears. I'm sitting here trying to balance my monthly budget and I'm stuck double paying. BLEH!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Back in Uppsala

Well, we arrived in Uppsala safe and sound. We had enough energy when we got home last night to unpack everything and put almost everything back where it belongs. It feels good to be home!

I now have 5 days, including today, to write a 10 page paper. So I'm going to be working lots on it in the coming days.

In other news, my Swedish improved quite a lot during the 2 weeks in Skellefteå. I'm starting to think that I might actually learn Swedish eventually! Today, if David has time, he will call the people who run SFI and figure out what I need to do in order to enroll.

In the time we were up north we let lots of people know we were looking for jobs and an apartment, so now others can do lots of the work for us.

We had a wonderful time visiting David's parents, collecting Christmas presents, eating Christmas cookies and cakes, and visiting friends. Despite all of that, I am VERY glad to be back in Uppsala!