Monday, January 29, 2007

SFI update

Du kan få börja i sfi i morgon tisdag den 30/1, klockan 12.15.
Kursen är en D-kurs på Verkmästargatan 21, ingång A.
Rum V 11. Din lärare heter Gun Engström.
Kan du maila mig tillbaka och meddela om du kan komma redan i morgon.

Basically says that I can start SFI tomorrow morning at 12.15. The level is D and the address the room number and the professor. So Yea! I had to email them back and explain that I couldn't make it at that time though. I have class until 13:00 so cannot be there until around 13.30. They said it was OK.

So tomorrow... Class from 10.15 until 13.00. Catch the bus straight to SFI at the other end of town. Sit there until around 16.30 or so. Then catch the bus straight back to town. I've got movie night with my class for our weekly documentary starting at 17.00. It will involve professor supplied wine, a bit of food, the usual. I'll be home after 21.00. Ugh! Busy busy!

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