Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Busy busy!

I've been quite busy. Last Friday I was given a book to read as well as two assignments on the book. Everything due this past Tuesday. That was not much time to get everything done. This week should be a bit calmer. I have an entire week to read the book and do only one assignment.

Last night I met up with some classmates and the professor to watch a documentry and talk for awhile. It was a very nice evening. There was a bit too much red wine involved, but I felt fine the next morning, so not too bad. I think the professor was a bit worse for wear today. That might have been the antihistamines he was taking to prevent allergies though. The professor has kindly agreed to be my supervisor for my thesis as well. Which is just great.

The weather here has been wonderful. Very cold, but beautiful. It's been snowing on and off for the past week. It is much easier to deal with the darkness when there is snow to reflect what little light there is back up into the air. Looking out the window and watching snow fall just makes me extremely happy. This is the winter I've been expecting. No idea how long it will last, but I plan to enjoy it.

Nothing extremely interesting is going on here. David will begin working in one of the schools here come Monday. That means he'll be working pretty much full time and working on his final paper. It should be both a very busy, boring, and interesting last semester for us both. I've got to admit though, I'm feeling a bit tired of school. 5 years with no break is a long time!

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