Sunday, December 04, 2005


You are all to take this test and report back to me the 4 letter code you get! It is listed above the graph as something like I+9 N+20 F+20 P+20! Feel free to read the descriptions at the end and change your mind about what you are compared to what the test says you are! I want people to post what they are.

I am an ISFJ I think. I used to be an INFJ but I've changed since highschool I think. Learned to look at things in a different way.

Highschool me:
Now me:

Those who know me, does that seem right? Try changing the letter around and see if you find something that is more you!
I - E (I people get energy from being by themselves, E people from being with others)
N -S (I can't remember)
F - T (Do you make decisions based on logic (T) and this is the way it is or based on feelings (F), this person needs it most)
J - P (J people like schedules and plans, P people like to keep options open)

1 comment:

Fahle said...

Hmmm, jag gillade inte riktigt frågorna, ibland passade båda alternativen in, och ibland inga. Men det här är mitt resultat: Your Temperament is Guardian : SJ
Your variant temperament is Supervisor : ESTJ
Details of questionaire:
E+4 S+16 T+4 J+0