Monday, July 31, 2006

The Garage Sale

The garage sale was a lot of work. It was a week of collecting stuff from around the house and finding the old boxes, a day of setup, and a day of sitting outside selling things. There will be another day of my mom going through all the boxes when we picked up quickly to prepare things for storage.

We removed about 400 dollars worth of stuff from the garage and house though. That's a LOT of stuff. My mom told me that my share is 100 dollars. Weee!

I have a number of things to do before I make the final move in 2 weeks.
1) Arrange voting for overseas
2) Finish cleaning room and packing things away for storage
3) Make final choices of what to pack/not pack.
4) Study Swedish
5) Finish reading Collapse (maybe)
6) Box up books for shipping (and fill out forms so Mom can ship them later)

Anyways, I'm off to Reno for the day. I'll be back tomorrow. Perfect thing to say after listing off my to do list you know!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The lost Reno news

In all of the other news yesterday, I forgot to mention that on Monday my mom and I are going to Reno. We're going to drop a quilt off in Sparks on Monday morning for quilting then drive to Reno. We're going to stay at Circus Circus in Reno. My dad is much too busy to go with my mom, so I volunteered. My dad works, my mom and I sit in Reno. What a great trade!

A note from the past

Today I got the last of my boxes from my brother's room. I've spent the last half hour or so carefully dusting and repacking the boxes to be sure that they were not damaged during their last time in storage. Samantha is just a wonderful doll. I'm always amazed how much stuff I have for her. I've got skis (complete with little boots), tons of clothes, a brass bed, a desk, a teaset, a large carrying case (made by my mom), a cheerleader outfit, and lots of other stuff. I think the most amazing find in going through all of the boxes and bags though was a letter I wrote to myself when I last packed her away.

"Hi, my name is ..... Today is October 11th, 1998. I am putting my doll and her stuff away for later. This is over 2 years worth of stuff and I hope to one day give it to my daughter or to my granddaughter. (P.S. I am 14)"

I've added to the note now with the new date, why I'm repacking her and a bit about my life at the moment. Almost all of the stuff I own for Samantha was done before American Girls was bought out by Matel (The evil makers of Barbie). Their new dolls are lacking in quality. It took me forever to save up the 100 dollars it took to buy her when I first bought her. After that almost everything was bought by my grandmother or my mom for presents. I'm so spoiled sometimes.

I guess I should finish my dusting and put everything up in the top of my closet. If I need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night I'll end up killing myself otherwise!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A productive day

I got a lot done today. Well, not a lot, but a lot considering that it's summer and HOT.

I did some organizing of the garage. Not a whole lot because there's no AC out there, but enough so that I have some idea of how much more I have to do. I also finished reading a book, took a nap, cleaned the kitchen, put together a shoe rack, picked up the living room and sorted through another box.

My brother wandered home from class tonight 2 hours late. He got mad at my dad for going into his room. My dad kidnapped all of the dirty dishes, closed his window, and emptied the trashcan. My brother was upset that they didn't wait for him to get home. My mom was a bit annoyed that my brother didn't even call to say he'd be 2 hours late. My dad was annoyed because we're running the AC and my brother has been opening his window at 5 in the afternoon as opposed to 1 or 2 am when it cools down. This means that the hot air from outside is being forced into the rest of the house while my dad is cooling the great outdoors. I wonder how my brother can be so stupid as to think that it's actually cooler outside than inside at 5 in the afternoon. It's still been over 100 outside then for awhile now. Then I remember that he's my brother. He doesn't think. He's in that teenage stage where his parents have never been stupider and he's the smartest thing alive. I wish someone would kick him.

He doesn't do anything around the house. I've been waiting for almost 2 weeks now to get boxes from his closet. I can't go in there and get them and somehow he hasn't found time to give them to me. I'm not sure how he doesn't find time considering that the only thing he does is sleep and watch TV all day long. He's so spoiled. I need to find something to do besides rant about my brother. Sadly it's either that or the wonders of stuff I've been finding in the garage. Do we really need a two foot long plastic alligator?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Garage Sale Planning

My mom and I decided today to have a garage sale on Saturday. So today we placed the ad in the newspaper and started doing some of the planning. We have so much stuff still to go through before Friday evening when we put stuff outside.

Hopefully the heatwave will break. We've had 9 straight days of temperature over 100 degrees in Sacramento. Ick! If it happens again tomorrow then we'll have a new record for long heatwaves. We're starting to lose the elderly when the AC goes out. There is a minor energy crisis too.

My mom and I went shopping today. We went to Ross and Costco. I got 4 new shirts, lots of new razor blades, and three large containers of spice to take to Sweden with me. Weeee! Why I insist on constantly getting more stuff when I'm not sure about weight problems, I'm not quite sure. I can always leave a pot or pan behind and bring spices instead. I think my mom has kidnapped one of my frying pans though. I need to steal it back soon.

I should be busy for the next week, we'll see how much free time I have. My brother gave me three boxes today. All of which were my mom's. So I'm still waiting on my stuff. I keep hoping that maybe something will happen to shock him back into being a normal kid. My mom says it's just a stage he's going through. But she's been saying that of him since he was like 4. If it isn't one stage, it's another. Anyone know of any aliens who might be interested in abducting my brother. Although if that happens, then he'll just get all of the attention. Hmph.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


I finished moving everything out of my old apartment. So I don't need to make even one more trip back to Chico. The next step is to work some more on organizing all of my stuff. Anything that isn't going to Sweden with me needs to be packed up or sold. My mom and I are going to have a garage sale soon. We're going to sell a lot of stuff.

Anyone want to come abduct my brother. I think you'd have to be an alien to want him though. He spent this evening sawing the legs off of a chair he bought used. He wants it in his bedroom, but it won't fit through the door. I still don't think it fits even after the work. The idea of my brother trying to move a large and heavy chair through the upstairs landing prompted my mom and me to do a frantic cleaning so that nothing would be broken. The result being that I can now get to the bathroom in the middle of the night without killing myself. My mom and brother have been using a LOT of space for random storage. My mom doesn't want to carefully put everything away either since we're probably going to get all of the carpet taken out again. Isn't life entertaining.

I was done moving by 10:30 this morning. We started out from here at 6 in the morning, but it was worth it to beat the heat. The result being that I took a nap today and still have quite a bit of energy. If I try to go to bed now, I'll lie awake for hours. I'm going to see if I can get this room functioning a bit more before going to bed. Wish me luck!

P.S. I think all of my readers have deserted me for not publishing often enough. I'm getting very few comments in my blog these days!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Another Day.

Nothing exciting is planned for today. I've made some more progress on my room. Tomorrow my Uncle Bill and I are going to go finish moving all of my furniture from my apartment with his truck. My Uncle will be here at 6am tomorrow morning so we can get going before it gets too hot. It'd be nice to be done by noon tomorrow when it's expected to hit 100 degrees.

Another thing is that my parents' carpet seems to be defective again. You'd expect better out of some fancy Stainmaster carpet. Although this time it lasted longer (almost a month) before it started going crunchy. It's actually really silly that it has caused this many problems. I can't find any reference to this type of problem online and yet our carpet has had it twice. Crazy.

Time for lunch. If I eat fast I can have my choice of the leftovers. I wonder what mom will make for dinner tonight. I REALLY need to sign up for the gym as soon as I get to Sweden and start exercising. My butt is getting too big. I spare you people the whining about it though. At least for now. Isn't western society wonderful for a girl's self-esteem.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Whatever happened to Home Sweet Home?

I'm trying desperately to make this new room I have at my parents' place feel like home. My brother stole my room. So I'm stuck with the small room with a small closet stuffed with his stuff.

Yesterday I spent an hour or two just sitting in my new room crying because I hate it so much. My dad and mom have been helping me with it though. We've removed most of the spiders. We also took out all of the stuff in the room that wasn't mine. This includes large piles of bedding, an oversized ugly yellow chair, an extra lamp, and most of the stuff my brother was storing in the closet. With this new smaller room my mom can't use it for storage when I'm home. She can use my brother's new room (henceforth the green room). The green room is much larger and since the only things in there are a few pieces of my brother's furniture, there's no reason she can't.

Anyways, my dad repaired the broken closet doors, located one of the bars for the closet so I can hang things, fixed the overhead lamp, and generally did what my mom asked of him. My mom and I went down to my apartment and got a bunch of my stuff today. A whole minivan worth. That means I have almost everything from my apartment except my furniture and a box of kitchen stuff. This new blue room doesn't have room for any of my furniture anyways. Today I think I will try to get my clothes hung up and maybe some books put away on the bookshelf. There's a nice small bookshelf here that will hold maybe a quarter of my books. I might colonize the completely empty large bookshelf outside the door of my bedroom though.

On a completely unrelated note, the open boxes of pasta that I recommended not be packed up should NOT have been packed. I did boil a small colony of little crawly worm like things in my first attempt to make dinner though. Resulting in my mom taking one look at the box and throwing my pasta away and helping me make some new stuff. We dumped out all of the remaining pasta into a large glass bowl to check the boxes for bugs too. And that was the excitement for today.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Part 3

Ok, hoping to finish up the roadtrip report so that I can rant about my mood. Roadtrip first though!

Our first night in Vegas ended around midnight or 1am. The next day we managed to get up in time for lunch. We wandered over to a nearby casino and ate at a diner. The staff there sung for our entertainment. We went into a tourist shop afterwards. The shop was so large that we all felt quite lost. After the tourist shop we bought ourselves bus tickets and took the bus back to our casino. The heat just took all of our energy away and we wanted a nap. We woke up in time for dinner. We wanted to do another buffet, but a nice one. We looked through a Vegas guide book and started eliminating things from the buffet page based on being too cheap, too expensive, too far away, or not in a casino. In the end we decided on Treasure Island. The buffet there was amazing. I'm sure David could write a whole blog entry about buffets in Vegas. I limited myself to 5 desserts.

After dinner we did a grand tour of the casinos. There should be photos of some of them on my picture page. I could have sworn Peter took more photos than he did. David has a bunch of videos though. Once we got back to our casino we went gambling. I managed to spend about half an hour losing 5 dollars in various video machines. David went for the tables and lost a bit more. I decided gambling wasn't for me, although it was still entertaining. I remember visiting as a kid and all of the machines took coins. Now they only take bills and instead of giving you cash if you win, you get 'credits' which can be printed out on a ticket and later cashed in. Boring. After losing a bit of money we all went to bed.

The next morning we woke up in time to check out, just barely. We set out from Vegas to aim for Death Valley. I'd like to point out that it was mostly Europeans who think it's a bright idea to drive across Death Valley in July. It was so hot that the car's temp started to increase and we had to turn off the AC for parts of the climb out of the Valley. The views were quite nice though. I slept through lots of it since I was quite sick, but it was still a nice trip. Leaving the Valley we stopped for smoothies, it was some much needed food. We then drove to Bakersfield, or maybe it was Fresno, for the night. We arrived at our hotel around 8pm and went swimming. It was sooo relaxing and the water was quite warm from being in the sun all day.

The next morning we woke up, had breakfast, then drove to the Sequoia national park. We looked at lots of nice views and BIG trees. There are definitely photos of us standing in front of the biggest of the trees there. I think I slept through some of the park too, but not as much since I was on Cold Medicine then. I love American cold medicine. After leaving the park we headed to either Bakersfield or Fresno, whichever is farther north and we didn't visit earlier. We spent another night in a motel called Econolodge. It's all that its name implies. We went swimming again before bed.

The next morning was the last day of our trip. I dragged the boys to Dennys since we managed to sleep through breakfast. Then we began the last day of driving to get back to Chico. It was nice to get back, even if the apartment was hot and my roommate showed up announcing that the carpet cleaners would be there the next day. They didn't show by the way.

And THAT was our roadtrip. Maybe tomorrow I'll whine about my horrible day today. For now I'm way too tired.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Road Trip Part 2

Before I start on the second part of the road trip, I must update a bit with what I'm currently doing. I dropped Peter off at the airport this morning. I'm still tired from having to get up at 5am. I'm free for the first time in a long time. No guests (much as I dearly love them), no work, no school. Now what do I do? Catch up on my blog and work more on trip planning I guess. Oh, and I've tossed in moving back to my parents into this mix too. I've moved back all the immediate stuff. I need to do at least one more trip to pick up furniture and all the other stuff that didn't fit into my car.

Roadtrip wise we went to the Monterey Bay aquarium after leaving my Grandfather's house. We spent about 3 hours there before heading to Long Beach. The trip took a bit longer than expected and we didn't reach Long Beach until after dinner time. We had no idea where Brooke was, she'd been drinking all day. We did watch some fireworks and eat some burnt pizza before meeting up with Brooke. We were then dragged over the entire town while she was on a bike and we were running after her. I discovered I had a headache in order to escape yet another bar/club.

The next day we got up in time to watch a worldcup game that started at noon. We watched it at an Italian Cafe. Then we went to the beach where I collected a nice sunburn despite lotion. I got some reading done, it was really quite nice. Then we all went to a nice Mexican place for dinner and happy hour with 3 dollar margaritas or something. I obviously did NOT need 4. After dinner we went back to Brooke's place, took showers, and got ready to go out. Then we went to a boat and sat in it drinking for awhile. I wasn't drinking at that point since I was already quite drunk. Brooke dragged us to a couple more bars before we managed to find an excuse to go back to the apartment. I went to bed and the boys, bless their hearts, did the laundry until 1 in the morning.

After Long Beach we were headed for Vegas. As we were packing up the car, I managed to fall down 5 or so stone steps and land on my ankle. It hurt, but I was ok. (On a more important note, my laptop which I was carrying also survived the fall.) I was supposed to drive that first morning, but I decided that since my driving ankle hurt like heck, Peter could get his introduction to driving in the US by fire. Start in LA! We stopped by Brooke's work on the way out of town for a really good breakfast. Then we made the pretty uneventful drive to Vegas. I swapped to driving about an hour to Vegas, probably not the smarted choice I ever made. It made my ankle hurt like hell when I tried walking again. And, of course, the elevator in the parking garage was not working. We checked in with no problems and took a nap until dinner time. We had a circus circus buffet for about 13 dollars per person. It was what we paid for, an ok buffet but nothing special. Lots of kids since Circus Circus caters to families. Afterwards we wandered around the strip a bit then went to bed.

To be Continued!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Trip Report - Part 1

The roadtrip was sooo much fun! We started out on July 1st, driving to vacaville on the way to san Fran. Vacaville has outlet shopping. I went for David and Peter, but I was the one who ended up buying the most stuff. Much to David's unhappiness, I bought more dishes! I'm not going to take them to Sweden right away, but that doesn't stop me from buying them so that I'll have my dish pattern in the future! Right after we left the outlet shopping, the worst thing imaginable happened. My 'check engine' light on the car turned on. It was day 1 of our roadtrip, I was at least an hour from my grandfather's place. After a couple of phone calls to my dad and checking the obvious stuff, I drove my car to my grandfather's. Keep in mind it was 6pm on the Saturday of 4th of July weekend. I had to call like 8 different car dealerships at 9am the next morning to try and find someone who was open on Sunday. My grandfather was godsent. He drove into another city with us on Sunday morning. The boys and I got a ride to the BART station to go into San Fran for the day while he stayed with my car. The car dealership gave us a ride since where we wanted to go was only a couple of minutes drive away. My grandfather's house was a good 30-40 minutes away. He stayed at the car dealership for 5 hours or so with my car. The end result was that they think the airfilter was clogged. They also told me that my tires needed replacing. (This was the second time they've told me and my dad was still saying no.) I told my dad that my mom would let me get new tires on my car. I think he was feeling guilty, so he gave the OK. Turned out later on when I called to thank him, that my grandfather paid for everything! I have a wonderful grandfather! The boys were a bit jealous because they said my tires were nice. Dulops or something. The brand sounds like a candy.

Our time in Sanfransisco was quite nice. We went to Chinatown, Pier 39, and went up to Coit Tower. We were too cheat to go up the actual tower, but we went up to the hill that it's on. Peter was pretty sick at that point in time and the climb was hard. He got the rest of us sick later on. Evil Bad Peter! We had some of the yummiest Chinese food ever in Chinatown. We were the only English speakers in the whole restaurant. It was amazingly cheap too. Like 3 dollars each. And as usual, I bought more tourist junk than the boys did. Still fun though. We left San Fran early on the morning of July 4th to head to our next part of the trip. With a working car and a much happier attitude. (TO BE CONTINUED!)

Alive! Alive I say!

Yep! I'm actually alive! We got back to Chico last night. I'm too tired/sick to do more than let people know I'm alive. We had a great time and expect to see more posts by next week.