Saturday, April 28, 2007

First draft done!

Well, the first draft of my thesis is done! I can now take the next few days and just relax, and enjoy Valborgs.

I'm going to put ALL my school stuff away and out of sight later and not even think about school until Wednesday at the earliest!

Maybe I'll get done some of the things I've put on hold due to school work. I bet the oven could use a good cleaning! And I've got laundry to do as well. Maybe it's just time for some spring cleaning. Perhaps I'll try to cook a nice dinner tonight too. Since for once I won't be so stressed! The next day or two should be nice!

In other news. The only excitement that has happened in the past week was that David's brother came to visit for a few days. It gave me an excuse to make up a yummy dinner once too! I did have to go to the airport to return a passport, but that wasn't that big of a deal. And I got to say hi to David's family again. I haven't seen them since Christmas. Oddly enough, this is more often than I see my own family! Speaking of his family, they will be here Sunday night between flights.

The next 5 or so days will be quite nice!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Thesis writing time!

I've been very productive today. Got lots done. Laundry. Studying. More studying. Lunch. Dinner. Dishes.

Tomorrow David flies up to Skellefteå. On Monday his brother arrives and stays until Wednesday. Means I need to get lots of stuff done before then. Weee?

Meanwhile, back to studying lots. They say red wine is healthy for you. Perhaps I should look into getting a box. Sara brought a box by the other day that was quite good. Someday, when I'm feeling rich, I'll look into it. 215 kr is a LOT for a box of wine... probably not much by Swedish standards, but still.

Oh, and Peter has been VERY sick recently. In and out of the hospital. Apparently he picked up some odd little virus while in Ecuador with his PhD class. He's been dealing with fever and stuff for more than a week now. He's home with his family getting people cooking and doing laundry for him. Probably the best place. Moms are best when you aren't feeling well! But Peter seems to be doing MUCH better these days and his fever is mostly gone, even if he still coughs lots.

That's life pretty much.

Monday, April 16, 2007


It seems all my blog entries are about the same thing... being busy! For the past week I have been working like a mad woman on my thesis. It's hard to believe that I have only 6 weeks to finish it! I did take lots of time this past weekend to sit outside in the sun though. It was so nice!

On Wednesday David leaves for Skellefteå. I'll be on my own then for a few days. I'm actually looking forward to it because then I should be able to get lots of studying done. David doesn't try to be a distraction, but he can't help being more interesting than my books!

I'm about to go mad though. Except for breaks to wash dishes, shower, and eat... I've been sitting here in front of the computer or reading a book for the last 8 hours. And this is the plan for at least the rest of the month! Ideally I should have the rough draft of my paper done before the end of the month. Then I can party freely for Valborgs before beginning to fix all the problems with the first draft!

Meanwhile, I apologize for the lack of blog entries. I'm not doing enough interesting stuff to post more. Unless you want to hear about school work, which is deadly boring I'm sure!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend has been quite nice. We have been studying lots, writing lots, and spending lots of time playing video games. I didn't get as much done as I had planned to, but I'm feeling much more relaxed.

Last night I went to Zuza's birthday party. It was small, but quite fun.

I've also bought tickets home to visit my parents this summer. My mom is buying the tickets for me as a graduation present. I'll leave June 27th and return July 25th I think. The tickets were not as expensive as I feared, but not cheap either. I'm really looking forward to going home for awhile. I can buy all sorts of stuff there that I can't buy here!

In the weather news... it's been snowing on and off the last three days. When I woke up this morning everything was white. A few hours later, it was back to being green again. I'm TIRED of winter now! Bring on spring!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Egg Dyeing!

Today has been an amazingly productive day. Woke up early and made breakfast, then started cleaning and doing laundry. Around noon the laundry was done and the apartment clean. I made lunch while boiling eggs. We boiled 36 eggs before I went into school. I had a short meeting with a teacher then I went to the library and found 9 more books to get me through the weekend. I then came home, took a short nap, then started on dinner. After dinner, we set up the egg dyeing stuff and three of our friends came over to dye easter eggs. It was quite a nice day!

One of the interesting things is trying to figure out the best way to hardboil an egg. We chose three different methods from the internet and then tried all three. The best way I thought was to boil the eggs until my little timer said they were done. Those eggs turned out near perfect. David liked the ones that were still a bit runny inside. Then there were 10 eggs that turned out to be more liquid than solid inside. We coloured them anyways, but we will have to throw them away later. We let Peter dye those since he'll be leaving to go home tomorrow afternoon.

All in all, quite a wonderful day. This weekend the plans are to study and study and study.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Wonderful Weekend

I had a really nice weekend. Lots of sitting in the sun and studying. It's still a bit cold outside so I had to wear a thick sweatshirt as well as having a blanket wrapped around me, but still! I did get a bit of sun and fresh air.

Today I've got Swedish, tons of research to do for my thesis, and an appointment at the student health center. I'm not actually sure when I have Swedish class for the rest of this week... but next week I'll have no Swedish class because of Easter. I've got university class Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. Right now I'm frantically trying to see if I can get together enough information to do what I want. I need to know by the end of today so that I can switch cases to use as my case study before Wednesday if I need to. I've gotten quite a lot don this weekend so I've got at least 6 books to return to the library. I'm hoping that if I spend the day (once I'm done with Swedish class) at the library then I'll get lots of research done. Maybe even know by the end of today if I'm likely to have all the information I need.

Well... It's now 6.30 in the morning and I should see if I can get some work done before class today. Fun fun fun?