Monday, August 31, 2009

Remind me to NEVER do this again...

Nolle-P... was fun, but entirely too much work. Stress and work are not things I should volunteer for, but for some stupid reason I do it over and over and over again. I hope someone hits me with an extremely large and hard object if I EVER think about being a phosare again. Bleh!

In other news, today was the first day of the new semester. Lots of distance classes to work on. Hopefully this keeps me busy. I'm also going to be sitting at the desk at the sfcs office a lot and helping out with travven. If I stay home all day I'm going to quickly go mad. I NEED social contact!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

And so it starts...

First meeting today, this should be interesting to see what happens. :)

I'm ALMOST done with this last lab. But I've sadly not even started on my paper that is due Sunday (same day as the lab). I should be able to throw together the paper in 3 or 4 hours of solid work. Probably done in the middle of the night when I have free time.

It feels weird to be starting yet another year of university. I should by all logic be long done with it, and yet I keep coming back. Perhaps it is because I can't find anything better to do with myself. Perhaps this time it'll be worth a job, but we'll see. Three university classes during high school, four years for my bachelors, a year for my masters, a year to get my Swedish up to the right level, and one year of Computer Game Developing done. I've got another 3 years left I think. This is a LOT of schooling. I just hope that I'll be able to use some of my knowledge someday.

Wish me luck with the start of the new school year and here's to hoping that I manage not to get stressed and throw myself into the river before nolle-p is over. ;)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Stress in Summer?

Summer should be a time of relaxing, taking it easy, not working too hard... and yet... it doesn't feel like it is. Yes, I find time to go out once or twice a week with friends in the evening, but my days seem to be constantly full with schoolwork, housework, and learning to drive. I'd REALLY like to get my drivers license so that I can have my evenings back again! Tomorrow David and I are going to the driving school and we'll see what they say about how long it'll take me to get the thing. Keeping in mind that during Nolle-P (starts the 12th and continues until the 29th of August) I won't have ANY free time when David isn't at work!

I'm working my way through my third and last lab of the summer now. It only has one problem in it, but it is a rather large problem. It doesn't look too difficult as long as I remember which commands I need to use. ;)

I've also started on my 4th paper (of 5) that I need to write for my Introduction to Computer Games class.

I need to find some free time to do some MAJOR sewing on my overall too. It needs lots more marks sewed on and to make the sleeves so that they can be removed. If it is a warm August, I'll melt in long sleeved black overalls! Wonder if I dare make it into a miniskirt or give it 'pirate legs' so that I can have shorts? ;) Perhaps another year for that!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is Summer Over YET?!?

Well... I've got just 4 days left to finish up this lab for school and I so don't want to work on it. Oh well... needs to be done anyways. I'd think that without the distractions of having so many friends in town, that I'd focus more... but I'm not.

Tomorrow I'm going to the eye place to get new glasses. I want something that is a bit more modern but not over-powering. We'll see what I pick out. I want something new! Different! we'll see what I find. My old ones are 4 years old now and I'm rather tired of them.

I'm starting to wonder more and more if I even want to work with computers! They used to be fun, but now it feels like they are work! Perhaps it wouldn't feel so much like work if I would stop procrastinating my assignments so much!

This weekend we've got some sort of dinner on Friday night with Davids cousins. Then I get to help one of my friends move.

Friday, July 17, 2009


I love summer, with one exception... I see so much less of other human beings. Sitting at home and studying most days doesn't provide for very interesting human interactions. So I'm rather looking forward to school starting up in the fall. Sadly I'll be doing distance classes and won't be meeting many people then either... but at least I can go to school and hang out with people. Right now almost noone is in town at all!

I've got 4 assignments left to do and a tenta for my summer classes, but that's it. I've been working rather hard on learning the driving stuff too. I have another lesson on the 31st and this time they've asked David to come along so that he can better understand what things I need to work on. Personally I think I need to work on not stalling the car. But that's probably just me.

I really need to get some of my programming assignments done soon. They tend to always take longer than I plan.

But tonight! Out to the music festival in town with David. There are a few things I want to see and maybe go by and see a couple of short films too. I've always loved short films. *misses Uppsala*

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Well, summer continues. Been working lots on my summer school, along with trying to get some of the household stuff done. My friends who have summer vacation have been very distracting though. They think it is fun to stay up all night since they don't have to do anything the next day. But if I do that, then my homework isn't quite as easy to get done since I'm so tired!

Been working lots on driving. I'm hoping to get my license before Christmas, but I'll probably fail again. I need to go get working on the theory bits again...

Today I've got an appointment to get new contacts and then I need to do the grocery shopping and do more practice driving. Bleh! How boring! But it is good to keep busy at least. :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Parents Coming

My parents will be here Wednesday. It feels like it has been forever since I last saw them. It hasn't really... last summer, but still. This will be their first time to Sweden in the four years I've lived here. Interestingly enough, this will be my first mid summer in Sweden too.

It will be interesting to see what the rest of summer brings. :)

Wonder if I can inflict Surstromming on my parents.... and I wonder what their reaction would be if I didn't prepare them for it. ;)

Summer Rain

Well... it's raining at the moment. Perhaps this is an incentive for me to actually get studying done? I've only got three days to finish up a paper and a lab for my summer classes.

At least the paper can be written in English. I need to play two 'classic' computer games and then using course literature, explain if they are games or not. Somehow this course has managed to make a rather cool topic boring. And David has already gotten a hate mail from the teacher about not cheating with me since we're both taking the class. Love the faith.

I'm also about halfway through my lab assignment. I'll have to write a lab report about the exercises and turn that in too. My parents will be here on the 17th and leave on the 28th. It'll probably take us a whole day to drive back to skellefteå afterwords. So making due dates on the 28th and 29th will be hard if the things aren't done before they get here. I plan to spend time with my parents since I see them so infrequently!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The past 1.5 months...

It's been forever since I last updated this thing. Life has been just crazy. Heck, for the last two weeks I've rarely had more than 5 hours of sleep a night. VERY rarely. Heck, I think my average is about 5 hours. :P

I took my last final Monday (before working 14 hours with the silly avslutning sittning that I got thankfully got a very short thank you from Tuss for helping with. Sad that noone else cared that we put in that much work for no benefit.) I've just got one more paper to finish up and send in before Friday. Tomorrow I've got two redovisning things I want to sit through.

Friday I'll hopefully finally get around to cleaning up the note boards at school so that everything from like 5 years ago gets removed. I REALLY need to get the information for updating the school website, but ARGH noone wants to get me that information and I'm going batty. I'm about to go talk to technos and see if they have any information on getting the website updated. Or heck, even a login and a link would be a great start. I also need to get ahold of the old FUSK leader and get a list of all the games we have so that I can add those to the website. I should probably get a facebook group going for the student union too. I guess I've got some projects to do on Friday while I sit at school between lunch and fika.

My parents are coming to visit in just like two weeks. I've got tons of cleaning and organizing to do before then. Right now I'm doing like a million hours worth of laundry. I've been so busy the past two weeks that I've done very little around the house. And it shows. I need to go do some grocery shopping soon, finish up the million loads of laundry, and do some dusting and cleaning. It is hard to get the energy to come home when I know I've got so much stuff waiting for me to do. Oh well. At least I got it started today.

It's been a ton of fun the past two weeks at school. Lots of parties, lots of meeting with the older students that I've only had contact with online, listening to people stress about their final projects, celebrating people graduating, etc. I've had a ton of school work to finish up these last few weeks too.

And *sigh* Monday I start my summer classes. I spent like an hour this evening just trying to figure out how to register for the classes. Why do schools require you to have like super complicated passwords when the only thing you can do with them is send email and register yourself for the classes you signed up for. This isn't exactly a super secret bank password or anything. Ugh. I think they just like to laugh at themselves as they create horribly complicated password rules.

I think I'll try to get some sleep tonight... if I can actually sleep. I've not been able to fall asleep easily since I've been awake so much during the nights. And it isn't like it ever gets dark. Sunshine! Well... not today. It rained. :(

Friday, April 24, 2009

Busy busy busy

Man. Things have been just crazy here. I'm in charge of information for the student union council. I've got Ikea stuff that I still haven't put together. I need to clean and do laundry. There is always food I should be making. I've got tons of school work to do. I've got three meetings next week that I need to go to.

What do I want to be doing? None of this stuff! I'd rather just take it easy for a week or two. Sadly that isn't an option. Back to doing laundry I guess.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


DNs article about applying to university.

I don't get it. Everyone knows the website will crash on the last day. It's done it in the past. Heck, some of the people I know who were going to apply said 'why do I have to think about it now. The site will just crash and I'll get extra time.' I don't understand the mentality of applying on the last day. I applied on the first day and just double checked my application a few days before the final deadline to make sure nothing had changed. Then there are people who complain that they only get a half day extra and they need more time because of work and what not. Why didn't they apply earlier? A whole month to make their choice, why in the last 3 hours of the application period? They can't really want to get in then. I can't imagine the universities will be that annoyed at missing out at a few procrastinators. The ones who always put off to tomorrow what can just as well be done today.

Another question is the computer system. If it is so expected that it will crash, fix it. Announce that anyone with a personal number that end with these numbers has the last day on this day, and anyone with the other numbers has the last day two days later. Or make an announcement that says 'We expect the site to crash on the last day. Don't wait until the last day to do your application because we will NOT be extending the deadline.' And those who don't make it in before the crash can just as well apply for leftover places that those who thought the process through didn't want. Or they could fix the system so that it could handle the pressure. But that is excessively expensive for something that is only needed for a few hours.

Yes, there are reasons you'd be applying at the last second. But not everyone should be doing that! Think things out in advance! How do they expect things to work out in the real world. What happens if the printer is down at work and they can't deliver an important document to a client on time? Because they waited until the last second to try to print it?

I guess at the end I'm just glad this whole mess doesn't affect me.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Another week

Well... soon it is the start of yet another week. And I'm TIRED. I feel like I'm constantly behind in school work, and the quarter has barely started. Probably not a great feeling. I've no idea what's going on in my economics type class. I've got some project due not this week, but the next one. Something about interviewing people. Bleh. I've also got what feels like tons of physics stuff going on. I'm not sure I'll EVER feel like I'm caught up there. I suspect that I'll soon need to go spend a weekend at school and just try to get caught up. And I'm actually trying to keep up with my classmates in our game project class. It is amazingly draining doing so much in Swedish all the time. I've not even OPENED the book for my economics like class. Ugh. :( It just isn't fair to be stressed out about school already.

I did take this weekend off from studying though and just relaxed. I spent lots of time hanging out with friends and just generally taking it easy. Sometimes it is needed.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I've been cleaning and cleaning and cleaning and cleaning! We cleaned the bedroom, bathroom, hallway, dining room, and living room top to bottom today. Dusting everything from door frames to baseboards. We moved all the furniture which was possible to move and vacuumed behind and under them. We even dusted the plants!

We also cleaned out our closets and donated a bunch of clothes to Myrorna which doesn't fit anymore and we can't think of any use for. I've got lots of clothes left to sort, but I can't do everything in one weekend.

We took about 5 cubic meters of stuff out of the apartment too. We finally got around to doing the recycling. Saturday morning at 8.30am. Lovely since we got to do it in sunny weather. Same afternoon it started snowing and snowing.

We've got a few things to sell/give away, a small old TV (which works if you hit it occasionally), an old student desk (very stable, ugly as sin), and a small coffee table (a bit scratched, use a table cloth). If anyone wants them. Let me know. I'd be quite happy to get rid of some of this junk that is slowly taking over the whole apartment.

Tomorrow I start new classes! (And continue with physics...). It was nice to get a bunch of stuff done this weekend. I even caught up on sleep!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kidnapped from Anna's blog

Du heter? Sarah
Smeknamn? grrl
Låt som du lyssnar på när du är ledsen? No idea
Beroende av? The internet
Vad tror folk om dig? Probably that I'm bitchy and weird.
Stämmer det? Very possible.
Vad säger du för att imponera på någon? I don't usually feel the need to impress people.
Hur imponerar man på dig? Be smart, responsible, and not a jerk.
Brukar du skratta för dig själv? Yes
Vad står det i ditt senast inkomna SMS? We lost.
Var bor du? Skellefteå
Trivs du där? Love it here, but sometimes I miss my family and/or friends in Uppsala.
Äger du några converse? Nope
Sprit, cider, vin eller öl? Generally wine, but I drink most things depending on the occasion.
Brukar du bli för full? No
Är du allergisk mot något? No
Hur svarar du i mobilen? Generally 'hej alskling' since it is normally David who calls me. ;) Otherwise 'hej, det ar sarah'. I've never understood why I have to say who it is. They should KNOW who they called. I want to know who they are!
Antal timmar sömn inatt? 8
Brukar du komma i tid? Yes
När mår du bra? When I feel needed and appreciated. When I don't feel bored.
När blev du fotad senast? A few evenings ago.
Hur känner du dig nu? Tired
Vanligaste färg på dina kläder? No idea. I've got a LOT of colors.
Vad tycker du om fötter? Stinky feet aren't nice.
Vad saknar du? My family
Hade du en bra kväll igår? Quite nice.
Favorit dryck på morgonen? Energy Drink. ;)
Rakar du benen? Yes. More often in summer than in winter though
När brukar du oftast gå och lägga dig? Around 21.30
Är du blyg? Yes
Sysslar du med någon idrott? No. But I should go to the gym more often
Tror du på kärlek vid första ögonkastet? No
Vad skulle du göra om du vore kille för en dag? Go be 'one of the guys' for once and see what makes it so special.
Är du nöjd med ditt liv? Yes
Vad gör du i morgon? Going to makeup store and getting a lesson, then cleaning the rest of the day
Vilken kändis tycker du är en bra förebild? Not sure.
Vad längtar du till? Summer
Har du bra vänner och äkta vänskap? I hope so!
Vad använder du för shampoo? Biolauge(sp?) A bit expensive men WOW great.
Hur gammal är du? 25
Tycker du om någon just nu? Yes!
Gröna eller röda äppeln? Both!
Gillar du golf? No
Vilken tid gick du upp idag? 5.30am
Har du sovit i din egna säng inatt? Yes
Har du strumpor på dig nu? No
Är det okej att gråta? Yes
När grät du senast? I can't remember
Vad skulle du göra om du vann en miljon? Remodel the kitchen, get some new clothes, then save the rest.
Bär du glasögon eller linser? Yes
Tycker du det är viktigt att ha märkeskläder? No
Har du piercing? Yes
Vill du gifta dig? Already have
Vill du ha barn? Yes
Solar du ofta? No. I just end up red
Är du bra på att laga mat? Not as good as I'd like
Är du flygrädd? A little bit.
Är du musikalisk? Sadly no
Vad dricker du helst när du är törstig? Water
Vilken är din favoritglass? Magnum. The white one with strawberry icecream
Tror du på ett liv efter döden? Yes
Tycker du om sushi? Some types
Vad äter du helst när du ser på film? Nothing.
Har du tandläkarskräck? Not really
Är du morgon- eller kvällsmänniska? I love mornings generally
Vilken ögonfärg har du? Gray
Har du någon gång gråtit dej till sömns? No
Biter du på naglarna? No
Just nu? No
Röker du? No
Hur ofta tränar/motionerar du? Not often enough!
Senaste låt du hörde? Zelda tune from a trailer the husband was listening to.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Summer Classes

This is a repost from my school forums, but I was happy with the post so decided to repost it here. :)

There are a ton of summer classes out there. Last day is the 16th of March to apply. And you can probably get CSN money during the summer if you are taking enough points. So you'll likely have money to continue with whatever you're doing. (we'll see how long my links work... otherwise just go to that's where I found all of these in the first place).

I've not taken any of these courses mind you. I'm choosing them at random based on interesting titles. I found a ton of interesting classes when looking for things to do myself this summer. Mostly writing up this list since I'm trying to be 'productive' while studying. The apartment is already clean. Writing in English because I'm lazy.

First there is a course in our very own Skellefteå!
Konstnärlig anatomi och skulptur

Then there are a bunch of online classes, perhaps even in your field of study, so you can stay in town and continue to party all summer long. ;) Learn a new programming language? There are courses in that. Maybe you're a grafiker wanting more programming knowledge, or a spelutvecklare who would like to know more about art than 'oh look! a pretty picture!' ;)

Introduktion till spelanalys och design
3D-modellering och animation i Open Source-miljö
Concept Art
Character construction and Online Worlds
Programmering med Ruby
Introduktion till Spelprogrammering
Programming Using C#, Basic Course
Spelprogrammering i Windows – introduktion
Flash för grafisk design
Datorspel - en introduktion "Kursen riktar sig till alla som vill förstå vad datorspel är och varför man spelar dem. Den lämpar sig lika väl för den som vill förstå datorspel i ett bredare perspektiv, bekymrade föräldrar och nyfikna lärare, som för inbitna spelare som vill lära sig mer om sin hobby."

Even if the class seems easy, why not? Summers should be easy, and you never know. You might *gasp* learn something.

Or you can branch out and take something new. Why not try Arabiska för nybörjare? Or Japanska: Preparandkurs I? Or get points for your reading this summer. Fantasylitteratur

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Dn's Article

If you get a chance, read this article. It's really interesting actually. A lot of what is in there is very true from my own experiences with SFI. I lucked out and ended up in a class designed for those with education already. Almost everyone in there could speak 2 languages besides Swedish. (Except for me of course, as I've forgotten what little German I once knew.)

I still remember the first day I came home from SFI and very upset showed David my homework. We were to learn the word 'realistisk' or something like that. And our sentence had to do with how it was more realistic for Fatma to go get a cleaning job than an engineer job, even though she was highly educated. That was day 1.

Arbetsformedling came in to our classes about once a week. They explained how we could be cleaners. Most of us stopped coming or we made up answers to the dumb questions they asked. "What would you look for as an work giver?" We answered with stuff like 'Someone that likes Chocolate' and whatnot. Some actively left the classroom when AF showed up. The time was such a waste. Many already had jobs or training lined up as soon as they were done with SFI. Why waste our Swedish learning time with explaining what nice cleaners we'd make.

I was quite glad to be done after 2 months. I had lucked out and gotten two courses in Swedish previously through Uppsala university when I was an exchange student a few years previously. I just needed that SFI diploma thing. I moved to Sweden in August... I didn't get into SFI until February. They didn't have 'space' for me until then.

The classes were set up in such a way that it was really hard to work around them. Luckily I was studying a university course at the time that only met once a week. But 12-4 4 days a week wasn't productive. Two 8 hours days would have made it much easier for people to work at the same time. Our class was almost entirely female. The guys were working since it was so hard to mix SFI with work only one could afford to study.

We were an interesting mixture. Lots of Europeans, a bunch of Kurds (generally well educated... one was an arabic teacher and spent most of her time explaining Swedish grammar to the others in their own languages). We had a girl from Dubai who had a learning spot at the local hospital when she wasn't at SFI. AF days were just a waste to her. Same with me who was studying and just wanted the diploma so that I could have proof of my Swedish knowledge.

Shortly after I was done with SFI I moved to Skellefteå. Man I had to fight hard to get myself out of Swedish classes here that I considered entirely too easy. Exclusively due to the fact that I was volunteering my extra time with the English classes I believe... and the English teacher was also the higher level Swedish teacher, I was able to test out of Svenska Grund and go straight to Svenska A. They tried to hold us back it seemed. The old guy here didn't want us moving on. I think he was afraid of his job if we took less than 3 semesters to finish Svenska Grund.

There is much that could be better with Swedish language instruction in Sweden. But so many countries offer nothing. I got NO money for studying, but I also did not have to pay for my lessons. For free lessons they were not bad.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


With all the fire sharing stuff up in the media lately. (Pirate Bay Trial here in Sweden). I'm curious... what is coming now. What is the future for access to music and the like? I don't really think that shutting down pirate bay would change ANYTHING.

When I think of my friends who I would call artists... the ones who live and breath art. They aren't out there to become rich. They want to survive on their music and have the time to continue to make more music. They won't say no to becoming rich, but that isn't their goal.

More and more I think the money artists earn will not be from the songs themselves, but instead based on the popularity of their songs. Getting sponsors, advertising contracts, giving concerts, and selling things that have to do with them and their music. If you want to sell an actual CD. Package it with an art book, a special physical object of some sort that your loyal fans will WANT. If you want to sell music. Price it at a price that keeps your servers going, but not much more. Beyond that have a donate button on your website for people to donate to your music if you want to collect loyalty things. And reward donations with things like free tickets, or a chance at free tickets to hear you play. Or be ready to actually mail out a fancy art book to someone.

I'm starting to feel the end of super stars like Britney Spears... although who would say she's an actual artist? She doesn't write her own music, doesn't play any instruments or anything. She sings what she's told to sing. I've no problems with crushing more careers like hers and instead going for the truly creative small bands. The songwriters themselves might become more important in the future! You never know!

Meanwhile, support the nice guys at Pirate Bay that are really just trying to make artist music free. And support your favorite ARTIST. Brag about them on your blog, go see a concert, and hey, let them know that you like their music. And for god's sake... do we really want more britney spears running around? :P

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Math Failure =(

Well... I failed Math 2. Bleh. I only got 10 points on the final... plus my one point from the quiz... so I had 11 points. 14 is a pass. There were 30 points possible on the final with up to two points from the quiz for a total of 32 points. Only three of my classmates that I've asked so far have passed. Everyone else has failed, so I guess I'm not alone in my fail. But I'll just have to work extra extra hard and try to pass the retest next month (as well as my Math 3 test which is a week later). If I work hard enough I SHOULD be able to pass these last two math tests. Then I'm done with math! Forever! Mwahahahaha. Or until I get distracted and wander off in search of new educational opportunities.

In other news. I'm home sick today. My tummy hurts, I didn't sleep well last night, I've got a bit of a fever, and my throat REALLY REALLY hurts. I might try to drag myself to my 14.15 physics lecture, but we'll see if I'm feeling better. Mostly I'm just sitting in bed trying to get through a few more math problems, increase my understanding of complex numbers a bit more, and see if I can't finish off the entire section on complex numbers today. We've got a quiz coming up next week so it'd be great if I could have one of the two sections we've covered so far mostly understood today. Then I just have to review it before the quiz next Wednesday.

I'm also looking at summer classes since I've not had much luck finding a summer job. There's a C++ distance class that I want to take.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fixing the schedule. =(

I can't do this anymore. :P Going to fix my schedule on Friday I think. I'm taking more than 40 points this semester and it really feels like too much for me. Yes. I'm passing my courses (I think) but what good is it if I leave school not being able to program well. Between math and physics programming has been taking a VERY low priority. Programming really needs lots of time to sit there and play with it and see what happens and enjoy. But I've only been doing assignments, getting help from friends to do them as quickly as possible since my other two classes take so much time. And doing things in Swedish takes a LOT of time and energy from me too. I underestimated how much it would take last semester.

The program is... if I don't pass EVERY course this year, I can't start next fall with the rest of my class on the second year. But there isn't a lot negative with that anymore. My friends in the class... it looks like most of them aren't going to be there for a variety of reasons. One is going to swap back to chemistry, another will be leaving since he was just taking math, and some are going to be mostly taking datateknik classes instead of datorspel. And really... do I WANT to start the second year of a programming class without being able to program?!? Seems rather silly.

So anyways, looking to drop the last two programming classes. I'll just redo the first year (with economics classes tossed in to round it out... or else by working half time) with next year's first years. I'll have passed math already and a few other classes... so I can REALLY focus on programming. The one catch in all this is to figure out IF I'm allowed to and how it works with CSN (government money for studying). It isn't a LOT of money each month... but we do need it to get by, especially when David is working a cleaning job.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Finally, the spring students intro week is done. It was a ton of effort, and I was barely involved with it! A combination of me being sick, extremely poor planning, lack of understanding, and poor turnout had me ready to quit the phosaret around Friday. But I'm feeling better now.

Well... better about the week... I'm not feeling healthy. My throat hurts and I'm generally feeling very BLAH.

Oh, and I've now got my PUT so I can stay in Sweden as long as I want without having to go back to migrationsverket ever again! Yea!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Politics (yawn, I know)

Well, yesterday the United States got a new president. This one is different from the last few. It isn't just that he is a colored man, but also everything else. He is the sun of an immigrant. A second generation immigrant, from Africa no less... can be president. He is also young, a family man with young kids himself. I feel in a way that he represents the American dream. Someone born in a family that wasn't rich, made it to the top.

In other news.. nolle-p isn't going so well. :( Only 3 new people showed up yesterday... *sigh* Oh well. We'll see how the rest of the week goes. At least my activity is travven... which means lots of old students show up.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Done with tests!

Oof, Finals are FINALLY over.

It's been crazy at home. As usual. My goal for this weekend is to actually make real food and not just instant junk. And to clean the apartment. I think there's a kitchen table somewhere that we haven't seen for a week. With David being sick and me studying for tests... the house has been totally ignored. Either today or tomorrow we need to take most of the day and try to clean up the place. I still have laundry in the dryer waiting to be put away! Oh, and I need to work a bit more on my physics homework as well. It's 7am and I'm leaning towards playing video games with the sound off for awhile until David wakes up. ;)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Birthday Post!

With everything else going on in my life, I totally spaced about writing here about my birthday! Oh well.

Anyways, I got tons of presents! My mom sent me a box with a warm shirt, some pecans, and a 'learn to cook' DS game. David gave me a stuffed animal and a 16 GB SDHD card for my eee pc. He also gave me a nice day by helping me out with chores and the like. I got a sweater, a shirt, and a certificate to the makeup store from David's parents. From my friends I got a DS game, a bottle of wine, a really disgusting shot thingie, and the world's cutest calendar with kitties on it!

I ate entirely too much cake, but I had a ton of fun. It was a very calm birthday, but one of the best I've had in a long time. It was nice to just relax a bit in the middle of studying for finals. I might do a bigger birthday celebration thingie next Friday if I'm feeling up to it. But there's no way it'd be as nice as my relaxing real birthday was. :)

A nice list 'loaned' from Anna's blog.

1. Gjorde du något i år som du aldrig gjort förut?
Valdigt mycket faktisk. I got married, started a second education, and aquired a pair of overalls!

2. Höll du några av dina nyårslöften?
No. I never do. Don't know why I even make them.

3. Blev någon/några av dina vänner föräldrar i år?

4. Dog någon som stod dig nära?

5.Vilka länder besökte du?
Just the usual California and Sweden with a few random layovers in other places.

6. Är det något du saknar år 2008 som du vill ha år 2009?
A job.

7. Vilket datum från år 2008 kommer du alltid att minnas?
June 18th... the day we got married.

8. Vad var din största framgång 2008?
2008 is probably going to be filled with marriage memories for me. But besides getting married... I'd say it was starting to study again.

9. Största misstaget?
Still not having my drivers license. But beyond that very few of my mistakes have been so life-consuming that I remember them, although I'm sure I made millions.

10. Har du varit sjuk eller skadat dig?
I think I spent most of last spring with a cold.

11. Bästa köpet?
I'm not actually sure... I love my eeepc, and the xbox has been a lot of fun with guitar hero and what not.

12. Vad spenderade du mest pengar på?
Food and bills. They eat most of our monthly money.

13. Gjorde någonting dig riktigt glad?
The support from friends and family during the wedding process and the wedding itself.

14. Vilka sånger kommer alltid att påminna dig om 2008?
Nolle-p marching song, I kissed a girl, pink's fighting song, along with tons of snapsvisor

15. Var du gladare eller ledsnare i år jämfört med tidigare året?
I'd say happier. I feel that I'm kinda sorta doing something productive with my life. Something that is progress. Even if I'm not totally happy with it, at least it is better than unemployment.

16. Vad önskar du att du gjort mer?
Exercise. Studying.

17. Vad önskar du att du gjort mindre?
Surfing the net. It eats time like nothing else... it isn't something I particularly enjoy... but man if I keep doing it.

18. Hur tillbringar du jul?
With David's family.

19. Blev du kär i år?
Always become a bit more!

20. Favoritprogram på TV?
Top Gear or Myth Busters... not that I /ever/ get to watch much TV. I did watch a lot of Idol though.

21. Bästa boken du läste i år?
Anything that wasn't my math book... but considering how many books I read, I can't think of one that was 'the best'

22. Största musikaliska upptäckten?
Erm... music? That's the stuff you use to drown out people you don't want to listen to... right?

24. Något du önskade dig och fick när du fyllde år?
Since my '2009' birthday was yesterday... I'm having problems remembering what I got for my '2009' birthday. It was really cool though!

25. Något du önskade dig men inte fick?
Inte vad jag kommer ihåg <---- stealing answer.

26. Vad gjorde du på din födelsedag 2008?
Hmmm... I'll write down what I did for 2009 instead. :P Studied, ate lunch that I bought instead of warmed up, baked two cakes. Took a nap. Played an hour of fable II, ate cake with the inlaws, had a pizza dinner, and ate cake and got really awesome presents at a friend's place. One of the best evenings in a long time.

27. Finns det någonting som skulle gjort ditt år ännu bättre?
If I'd had a job and was nicer to other people.

28. Hur skulle du beskriva din stil år 2008?
Whatever the heck is in the closet or that people have bought me. Clothing shopping is boring.

29. Vad fick dig att må bra?
David, video games, and lots and lots of fika.

30. Vilken kändis var du mest sugen på?
I've never really been that interested in celebrities.

31. Vem saknade du?
My family. I see them so infrequently.

32. De bästa nya människorna du träffade?
All the nice people from Nolle-P and school. It's amazing to actually have my own friends here that aren't just people being nice to me because I'm David's girl.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy new year everyone!

Yesterday was so much fun! First we started out with the very wonderful dinner at Anton's. Then we wandered over to the student party at school with my friends.

Everything was a ton of fun! But soon! Back to the grindstone and final studying!