Saturday, January 10, 2009

Birthday Post!

With everything else going on in my life, I totally spaced about writing here about my birthday! Oh well.

Anyways, I got tons of presents! My mom sent me a box with a warm shirt, some pecans, and a 'learn to cook' DS game. David gave me a stuffed animal and a 16 GB SDHD card for my eee pc. He also gave me a nice day by helping me out with chores and the like. I got a sweater, a shirt, and a certificate to the makeup store from David's parents. From my friends I got a DS game, a bottle of wine, a really disgusting shot thingie, and the world's cutest calendar with kitties on it!

I ate entirely too much cake, but I had a ton of fun. It was a very calm birthday, but one of the best I've had in a long time. It was nice to just relax a bit in the middle of studying for finals. I might do a bigger birthday celebration thingie next Friday if I'm feeling up to it. But there's no way it'd be as nice as my relaxing real birthday was. :)

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