Saturday, January 10, 2009

A nice list 'loaned' from Anna's blog.

1. Gjorde du något i år som du aldrig gjort förut?
Valdigt mycket faktisk. I got married, started a second education, and aquired a pair of overalls!

2. Höll du några av dina nyårslöften?
No. I never do. Don't know why I even make them.

3. Blev någon/några av dina vänner föräldrar i år?

4. Dog någon som stod dig nära?

5.Vilka länder besökte du?
Just the usual California and Sweden with a few random layovers in other places.

6. Är det något du saknar år 2008 som du vill ha år 2009?
A job.

7. Vilket datum från år 2008 kommer du alltid att minnas?
June 18th... the day we got married.

8. Vad var din största framgång 2008?
2008 is probably going to be filled with marriage memories for me. But besides getting married... I'd say it was starting to study again.

9. Största misstaget?
Still not having my drivers license. But beyond that very few of my mistakes have been so life-consuming that I remember them, although I'm sure I made millions.

10. Har du varit sjuk eller skadat dig?
I think I spent most of last spring with a cold.

11. Bästa köpet?
I'm not actually sure... I love my eeepc, and the xbox has been a lot of fun with guitar hero and what not.

12. Vad spenderade du mest pengar på?
Food and bills. They eat most of our monthly money.

13. Gjorde någonting dig riktigt glad?
The support from friends and family during the wedding process and the wedding itself.

14. Vilka sånger kommer alltid att påminna dig om 2008?
Nolle-p marching song, I kissed a girl, pink's fighting song, along with tons of snapsvisor

15. Var du gladare eller ledsnare i år jämfört med tidigare året?
I'd say happier. I feel that I'm kinda sorta doing something productive with my life. Something that is progress. Even if I'm not totally happy with it, at least it is better than unemployment.

16. Vad önskar du att du gjort mer?
Exercise. Studying.

17. Vad önskar du att du gjort mindre?
Surfing the net. It eats time like nothing else... it isn't something I particularly enjoy... but man if I keep doing it.

18. Hur tillbringar du jul?
With David's family.

19. Blev du kär i år?
Always become a bit more!

20. Favoritprogram på TV?
Top Gear or Myth Busters... not that I /ever/ get to watch much TV. I did watch a lot of Idol though.

21. Bästa boken du läste i år?
Anything that wasn't my math book... but considering how many books I read, I can't think of one that was 'the best'

22. Största musikaliska upptäckten?
Erm... music? That's the stuff you use to drown out people you don't want to listen to... right?

24. Något du önskade dig och fick när du fyllde år?
Since my '2009' birthday was yesterday... I'm having problems remembering what I got for my '2009' birthday. It was really cool though!

25. Något du önskade dig men inte fick?
Inte vad jag kommer ihåg <---- stealing answer.

26. Vad gjorde du på din födelsedag 2008?
Hmmm... I'll write down what I did for 2009 instead. :P Studied, ate lunch that I bought instead of warmed up, baked two cakes. Took a nap. Played an hour of fable II, ate cake with the inlaws, had a pizza dinner, and ate cake and got really awesome presents at a friend's place. One of the best evenings in a long time.

27. Finns det någonting som skulle gjort ditt år ännu bättre?
If I'd had a job and was nicer to other people.

28. Hur skulle du beskriva din stil år 2008?
Whatever the heck is in the closet or that people have bought me. Clothing shopping is boring.

29. Vad fick dig att må bra?
David, video games, and lots and lots of fika.

30. Vilken kändis var du mest sugen på?
I've never really been that interested in celebrities.

31. Vem saknade du?
My family. I see them so infrequently.

32. De bästa nya människorna du träffade?
All the nice people from Nolle-P and school. It's amazing to actually have my own friends here that aren't just people being nice to me because I'm David's girl.

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