Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wedding party this evening!

Well! This evening is our Swedish wedding party. It's really low key. We're going to have a pot-luck, and maybe play a few games. Mostly it's just an excuse for a party. It'll be quite much fun I hope!

School has been a LOT of work. I feel that I barely even have time to think between everything. It is fun though. It gives me some purpose to wake up in the morning. That's always good.

Oh! And I also got my school overalls yesterday. I need to wash them, remove the sleeves, dye them black, wash them again, reattach the sleeves, take them to get a pattern put onto the back, then sew lots of things onto them. And I think I might sew them into a skirt, but I haven't totally decided yet. Always fun!

Anyways, back to work!

Sunday, September 07, 2008


School start has been just crazy. I've had almost no time to think, let alone blog.

Anyways, I've started a new program at school. It's an engineering degree in Computer Game Development. Somewhat surprisingly, I'm the only girl in the program... in the last 5 years.

We're studying Calculus, Python, and I'm doing physics too. It's a tough starting course load.

The two weeks before the start of school we had 'nollening' which is like two weeks of getting to know the other first years. That was crazy because we had preparatory math at the same time.

It's fun to be starting something new, and I've always wanted to learn to program. We'll see how this goes. I'd rather have a job, but since jobs seem to be few and far between right now, I might as well accomplish something while looking.