Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is Summer Over YET?!?

Well... I've got just 4 days left to finish up this lab for school and I so don't want to work on it. Oh well... needs to be done anyways. I'd think that without the distractions of having so many friends in town, that I'd focus more... but I'm not.

Tomorrow I'm going to the eye place to get new glasses. I want something that is a bit more modern but not over-powering. We'll see what I pick out. I want something new! Different! we'll see what I find. My old ones are 4 years old now and I'm rather tired of them.

I'm starting to wonder more and more if I even want to work with computers! They used to be fun, but now it feels like they are work! Perhaps it wouldn't feel so much like work if I would stop procrastinating my assignments so much!

This weekend we've got some sort of dinner on Friday night with Davids cousins. Then I get to help one of my friends move.

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